Thursday, 28 October 2010

Freemasons from Argentine and Romania pay homage to Néstor Kirchner, former President of Argentine Republic

Freemasons from Argentine and Romania pay homage to Nestor Kirchner, former President of Argentine Republic. Yesterday died the former President of the Argentine Republic, Néstor Carlos Kirchner (60 years old), at El Calafate, Santa Cruz.

Néstor Carlos Kirchner (25 February 1950 – 27 October 2010) was an Argentine politician who served as the 54th President of Argentina from 25 May 2003 until 10 December 2007. Previously, he was Governor of Santa Cruz Province since 10 December 1991. He briefly served as Secretary General of the Union of South American Nations - UNASUR - and as a National Deputy of Argentina for Buenos Aires Province.

Kirchner, who had been operated on twice in 2010 for cardiovascular problems, died at his home in El Calafate, Santa Cruz Province, on 27 October 2010, after reportedly suffering a heart attack. He died at 9:15 AM. His wife, President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, was present with him until he died.

Many leaders around the world (Barack Obama, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, Hugo Chávez, Felipe Calderón of Mexico, Sebastián Piñera, Fernando Lugo, Alan García, Evo Morales, Rafael Correa, Álvaro Colom, Daniel Ortega, Dmitry Medvedev, Giorgio Napolitano, Aníbal Cavaco Silva, Bronisław Komorowski, José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero and others) sent condolences to President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner and to the Argentine people. Argentine Republic, Venezuela and Brazil declared three days of national mourning.

Also Freemasons sent condolences to Cristina Fernández de Kirchner and to the Argentine nation. The Grand Master of Argentine Freemasons, Most Worshipful Angel Jorge Clavero, in name of the Grand Lodge of Argentine sent an official announcement through which he expressed "its deep sorrow for the death of former President of Argentina Néstor Carlos Kirchner. No doubt his death is a loss for democracy, for the debate of ideas and for the projects of the republic. Beyond the daily differences, Néstor Kirchner was able to contribute to balance and social peace during his presidency, after the economic and social crisis of the beginning of this century in our country.", said Most Worshipful Brethren Angel Jorge Clavero.

His Excellency Nestor Kirchner
President of the Argentine Republic (2003-2007)
Union of South American Nations

Also, from Romania, the Secretary-General of the Masonic News Agency of Romania sent condolences to President Cristina Kirchner and to the Argentine nation.

"The day of October 27th, 2010, remains in the nation's history as a day of mourning for an entire country and an entire continent. The pass to the Eternal Orient of His Excellency Néstor Carlos Kirchner, Secretary General of the Union of South American Nations and former President of Argentina, awakens in the Argentine Brethrens feelings that Nestor Kirchner has sown in the spirit of Argentina after the social and economic crisis through which this nation passed at the beginning of the 21st century.

Néstor Kirchner has marked the history of Argentina and of the South America for a decade. Néstor Kirchner entered in the South American history as the first Secretary-General of UNASUR, an European Union of the South American continent.", it was said in the official statement of the APMR (Agenţia de Presă Masonică din România) Secretary-General.

Monday, 25 October 2010

The Grand Lodge of France invaded the Grand Masonic Jurisdiction of Bulgaria

Last week in Bulgaria took place the foundation of another Grand Lodge, other then the United Grand Lodge of Bulgaria (at this time the United Grand Lodge of Bulgaria is divided in two: the United Grand Lodge of Bulgaria and the Grand Lodge AF&AM of Bulgaria). The Grand Lodge of France (irregular) one of the main three Grand Lodges of the French Republic was the main artizan.

The Grand Lodge of France led by Most Worshipful Grand Master Alain-Noël Dubart already did this in other Grand Masonic Jurisdictions such us Romania (also in Moldova and the Russian Federation) by recognizing the National Grand Lodge of Romania, other then the National Grand Lodge of Romania led by Most Worshipful Grand Master Eugen-Ovidiu Chirovici.

It became a habit that the Grand Lodge of France to invade the Grand Masonic Jurisdictions of Central and Southeastern Europe. Until now was not made public the name of the new Obedience and of its Grand Master.

Saturday, 23 October 2010

11th World Conference of Masonic Regular Grand Lodges will be held in Colombia

The 11th World Conference of Masonic Regular Grand Lodges will be held in Colombia. The host, the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Colombia at Cartagena de Indias, decided to organize the event at the Hilton Hotel, one of the most luxurious resort in the city. The Masonic conference will take place from May 12 to 14th, 2011.

During May 7th to 10th, 2010, Brethren Thomas W. Jackson visited Cartagena de Indias (Colombia), as Executive Secretary, to inspect the facilities and to meet Brethrens of the Grand Lodge and the then Grand Master (Most Worshipful Brethren Hernando Osorio Rico) - President of the 11th World Conference of Masonic Regular Grand Lodges. At that session participated Ildefonso Baldiris Silva (Deputy Grand Master), Ernesto Ahumada Trujillo (Grand Secretary), Hugo Leal Rojas (Deputy Grand Secretary) and members of the Committee: Alfonso Osorio Rico, César Cabarcas, Helí Hernández Ayazo, Roberto Figueroa Beltrán, Luis Alberto Moreno Erazo and Roberto Vallejo Jiménez.

Read the latest news from the 11th World Conference in SPANISH and ENGLISH, news brought to you by the Masonic Press Agency of Romania (APMR).

Friday, 22 October 2010

Argentine Freemasonry strongly condemns assassination of the young Mariano Ferreyra

Argentine Freemasonry strongly condemns the assassination of the young Mariano Ferreyra, which took place yesterday during clashes in the district of Barracas.

Unfortunately, political violence has already taken too many lives in recent decades and we fell into one of the darkest periods in our country which we have left almost 27 years ago with a restored democracy.

Freemasonry, which constantly preaches values like tolerance, is calling on all sectors of the country to make its contribution to finding consensus that will allow us to consolidate democracy, starting from a strong republican faith.

Ángel Jorge Clavero
Grand Master
Grand Lodge of Argentine

Source: Masonic News Agency of Romania (Secretariat of Communications)

Political persecution in Cuba reaches again the Grand Lodge and the Supreme Council

After being expelled the Past Grand Master (on grounds totally unfounded and unjustifiable) now, the Masonic leaders from Havana wish to expel another Illustrious Cuban Mason Brethren: Gustavo Pardo Valdés.

Gustavo Pardo Valdés (former political prisoner in Fidel Alejandro Castro Ruz's regime) was Chancellor of the Supreme Council of Cuba, now being President of the Cuban Academy of High Masonic Studies. He is also a collaborator of the CUBANET (NGO supported by the U.S. Government through the National Endowment for Democracy).

On October 16, 2010 took place a Supreme Council meeting where it was decided to put under accusation and to expel the Sovereign Grand Inspector General Gustavo Pardo Valdés and other seven Brethrens. However, the Secretariat General of the APMR stated that the mere presence of only 11 of the 31 members who had to vote should not have Masonic validity. In the same statement the APMR Secretariat General considered political interference in the internal affairs of Freemasonry as contrary to democratic rights and believes the Freemasonry subjugation by the state as contrary to the Landmarks of Universal Freemasonry.

Cuban Masons are wondering why such a personality and Brethren as Gustavo Pardo Valdés is removed before the 2012 election for the office of Grand Master. Should also be noted that in 2007 (August, 2nd), when Gustavo Pardo Valdés should become the Sovereign Grand Commander of Cuba, there was political interference to prevent it. These are orders coming from Caridad Diego, head of the Religious Affairs Bureau of the Central Committee of Communist Party of Cuba. She did not wanted to see Gustavo Pardo Valdés leading the Supreme Council of Cuba (in which he was, at that time, Chancellor of the Supreme Council).

Source: Masonic News Agency of Romania (Canchellery on Foreign Affairs) & CUBANET

Memphis-Misraim third International General Assembly

The Ancient and Primitive Rite of Memphis-Misraim of Italy will organize in November, 13th, 2010, the Memphis-Misraim third International General Assembly, which will be an open event to the profane public. The event will be hosted by the Victoria Hotel in Rome (from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.). After the general assembly will take place a public conference titled "The spirituality and divine presence in the new age man and the Mission of Universal Freemasonry and of the entire humanity".

Her Imperial Highness
Princess Kaoru NAKAMARU of Japan

Three international personalities will attend the event as speakers. One of the speakers, Her Imperial Highness Princess Kaoru NAKAMARU of Japan (granddaughter of His Majesty Emperor Meiji) will talk about "The mission of governments and of the entire humanity for searching and reconciliation of all faithfuls and religions". After her will talk Christopher KNIGHT - "Connections between Templars and Masonry" and Leo LYON ZAGAMI - "The Essenes".

Source: Masonic News Agency of Romania (Canchellery on Foreign Affairs)
Photo: Her Imperial Highness official website