Thursday, 26 May 2011

Euclides Acevedo is recognized as sole Regular Grand Master of Paraguay

A few moments ago the Masonic Press Agency of Romania (APMR) revealed the official statement of the Inter-American Masonic Confederation (CMI) regarding the Masonic regularity in Paraguay by citing the Grand Commission on Foreign Relation of the Symbolic Grand Lodge of Paraguay.

According to the official statement announced by APMR, the President of the VI Area of CMI officially announced all Grand Masters that the sole regular Grand Lodge in Paraguay is the Symbolic Grand Lodge of Paraguay leaded by Most Worshipful Brother Euclides ACEVEDO.

Angel Clavero (the Argentinian Grand Master and President of the VI Area of CMI) says that the decision was approved by CMI's Executive Council in Guayaquil, Ecuador and signed as an official declaration by all 48 Grand Masters and official representatives of the Grand Lodges in CMI during the 11th World Conference of Regular Grand Lodges in Cartagena de Indias, Colombia.

Angel Clavero (photo:

The official statement presented by the Grand Commission on Foreign Relation of the Symbolic Grand Lodge of Paraguay is signed by Most Worshipful Angel Clavero as Grand Master and CMI's VI Area President and by Right Worshipful Brother Alejo Neyeloff as Grand Secetary on Foreign Affairs.

Wednesday, 25 May 2011

Freemasons of the Grand Lodge of Argentina advise Cristina Kirchner to not attend today's memorial Te Deum

A few moments ago the Masonic Press Agency of Romania (APMR) cited an official statement of the Argentine Coalition for a Secular State by saying that members of the Argentinian Craft advised the President to not attend the Te Deum on the occasion of commemoration's May Revolution, an event which will take place today at the Cathedral of the Resistance. By this, Freemasons are asking President Cristina Kirchner to take a step towards a secular state in which will reign the respect freedom of conscience, as stated in the official note of the Argentine Coalition for a Secular State.

Thursday, 19 May 2011

French National Grand Lodge (GLNF) lost its recognition of regularity

The Masonic Press Agency of Romania (APMR) informs that during May 18th, 2011, the United Grand Lodges of Germany, Grand Lodge of Austria, Regular Grand Lodge of Belgium and the Grand Lodge of Luxembourg have officially informed GLNF that is no longer recognized as a Regular Grand Lodge. The official document states that due to the events started in 2009 and continued until 2011 led to this decision.

Saturday, 14 May 2011

The XI World Conference of Regular Grand Lodges ended

The Masonic Press Agency of Romania informs that not long ago ended the administrative meeting of the Masonic World Conference, and now takes place the official closing ceremony of the works of the eleventh edition of the World Conference of Regular Grand Lodges. In about 15 minutes from now, participants will have lunch and later will be held the official dinner gala. The dinner gala will be held by the poolside of the Hilton Hotel in Cartagena.

The French National Grand Lodge is losing the European Regular Grand Lodge's recognitions

APMR informed today that the French National Grand Lodge lost some of the European Regular Grand Lodges's recognitions. French Freemasonry is likely to become completely irregular, given the pressure put on the United Grand Lodge of England to withdraw GLNF's recognition.

GLNF already lost recognition of the Regular Grand Lodge of Belgium, the United Grand Lodges of Germany, the National Grand Lodge of Poland, the Grand Lodge of Luxembourg and the Grand Lodge ALPINA of Switzerland.

It is not yet official but it seems that almost all European Regular Grand Lodges will withdraw GLNF's recognition and UGLE is likely to have an official position in the coming days.

We must remind that the event in Cartagena de Indias is very important for the French National Grand Lodge. Is expected next week that all European Regular Grand Lodges to inform GLNF about the fact that has no recognition as decided in Brussels, Belgium.

Thursday, 12 May 2011

Cartagena de India hosts the Masonic World Conference

Today started in Cartagena de Indias the 11th edition of the World Conference of Regular Grand Lodges. The event will end on May 15th, 2011. You can read more about the event here.

Sunday, 8 May 2011

Barack Obama at the California Masonic Memorial Temple

For the first time in history, an American president has visited the California Masonic Memorial Temple, the headquarters of the Grand Lodge of California. President Barack Obama attended the event on April 20th, 2011 in the presence of an audience of 2,500 people.

Barack Hussein Obama II
United States President

Grand Master meets with young Masons of Spain

According to the official agenda of the Grand Lodge of Spain, on June 2nd, 2011, Grand Master Oscar de Alfonso Ortega will attend the meeting with the young Masons of Spain. The event will have an unofficial character, and participants will be Masons initiated after 2004. The event will take place in the capital of the Spanish Kingdom, Madrid.

Tuesday, 3 May 2011

Masonic Conference at the Grand Orient of the Netherlands

APMR informs that in March and April 2011 the Grand Orient of the Netherlands organized a series of Masonic conferences in Rotterdam and Leiden. The events were attended only by members of the Grand Orient of the Netherlands and members of organizations with which it maintains friendly relations, such as Le Droit Humain and Orde van Weefsters "Vita Feminea Textura".

In March, four conferences were held, and in April three of the Masonic conferences. Among the speakers were several Freemasons: Prof. M. de Haan, Prof. J. Pike and Prof. T. van de Sande.