Sunday, 26 February 2012

GLNF | Former adviser of the Intelligence Director of the Counter-information Secret Service to run for Grand Master

Former close collaborator of F. Stifani, Alain Juillet is ULRF's candidate for Grand Master. One of the Myosotis groups informs that Juillet worked as adviser for DGSE's (Counter-information Secret Service) Intelligence Director.

Son of Jacques Juillet, who was Plenipotentiary Minister and Prefect, is also the nephew of Pierre Juillet, gray eminence during Georges Pompidou mandate and Jacques Chirac's mentor.

Will he restore GLNF's international recognition and will he recuperate the recently formed Grand Lodge of Tahiti? For the moment we need to wait and see what will happen at the end of the following month.

Friday, 24 February 2012

Past Grand Master Retiz Licona stresses the importance of Masonic relations with the Grand Orient of Italy

This morning APMR (Masonic Press Agency of Romania) published an exclusive interview with one of the most prominent voices of Mexican Freemasonry, Eduardo A. Retiz Licona, Past Grand Master of the Grand Lodge Valle de Mexico.

Valle de Mexico celebrated this month its 150th anniversary and the Grand Lodge is known worldwide due to the fact that it was the first to host the World Conference of Regular Grand Lodges.

According to Retiz Licona (running this year for Executive Secretary of the Inter-American Masonic Confederation): "I think there is a need for strategic alliances between the major blocs in Latin America (IMC) and North America, particularly the United States (U.S.) and Canada, continental Europe and England."

Regarding the Grand Orient of Italy he said that "Several times I attended the anniversaries of the Grand Orient of Italy and I have always been surprised by their great capacity of organization and their relations with the Grand Lodges of Asia, Africa and Oriental Europe." More you can read in today's interview.

Wednesday, 22 February 2012

Commission on Information for Recognition 2012 | UPDATE Paraguay

"The agreement of unification of the two Grand Lodges that was reached in 2010, has been broken, and the situation has reverted back to two Grand Lodges claiming to be the legitimate source of Freemasonry in that country. There is also evidence that negotiations for unification have ceased. This being the case, the Commission is of the opinion that neither Grand Lodge now meets the standards for recognition."

Tuesday, 21 February 2012

Commission on Information for Recognition 2012 | The process of Masonic unification should continue in Paraguay

Members of the Centennial Symbolic Grand Lodge of Paraguay announced a few minutes ago that the Commission on Information for Recognition admitted as regular their Masonic Body and requested (proposed) the continuation of the unification process started a few years ago.

Monday, 20 February 2012

Will the Commission on Recognition close the door on Stifani and GLNF?

Since Saturday the Grand Masters and Grand Secretaries in North America gathered in Atlanta GA for the 2012 Conference of Grand Masters of Masons in North America. The event hosted by the Grand Lodge of Georgia is chaired by Stephen J. Ponzillo, III, Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Maryland.

Until now we are sure that on of the topics to be discussed by the Commission on Recognition is that of Paraguay (Centenary Symbolic Grand Lodge of Paraguay vs. Symbolic Grand Lodge of Paraguay). Theoretically another hot topic on the agenda should be GLNF and its already international problems.

District Grand Lodge of The Bahamas announced the District's pledge of a $100,000 endowment fund

According to The Bahamas Weekly: "Right Worshipful District Grand Master Charles Johnson (District Grand Lodge of The Bahamas) announced the District's pledge of a $100,000 endowment fund contribution to the College of The Bahamas over the next four years via an annual national raffle and gala ball."

2012 Conference of Grand Masters of Masons in North America

Grand Masters from the United States, Canada, Mexico etc. gathered in Atlanta to participate in this year's Conference of Grand Masters of North America. The event is hosted this year by the Grand Lodge of Georgia.

Yesterday took place the official opening ceremony. The Chairman of the Conference is Stephen J. Ponzillo III (Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Maryland). Jerry D. Moss the host Grand Master addressed his welcome message and after the opening ceremony followed the presentation of the annual reports.

Sunday, 19 February 2012

Eduardo A. Retiz Licona | A short Masonic biography

Eduardo A. Retiz Licona was born in Mexico City in 1955, studied at the UNAM and become a professor. He is married and has two daughters. Eduardo Retiz is the author of a book entitled "Masonic Leadership" and was initiated in 1987 in Simon Bolivar #12 Lodge within the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge Valle de Mexico, being Worshipful Master for three terms (1990, 1992, 2000).

In 1991 became President of Adhesion of the Organizing Committee of the XV General Assembly of the Inter-American Masonic Confederation. From 1993 to 1996 he is elected member of the Grand Commission of Celebrations of the Grand Lodge, and from 1999 to 2002 served as Chairman of the Grand Election Commission. His Masonic life continues by occupying the seat of Senior Grand Warden of the Grand Lodge (2005, 2008) and Grand Master during 2008-2011.

In 1988 became a member of the Supreme Council of Mexico and was crowned Grand Inspector General in 1998. In 2008 he joins Shriner and founds Valle de Mexico Shriners Club. He attends the first World Conference Regular Grand Lodges, organized by the Grand Lodge Valle de Mexico in 1995. He speaks at the Washington IX World Conference on issues of regularity and also at the World Conference in Cartagena de Indias where he delivers a speech on the "World Unity and Power of Freemasonry through Masonic Culture."

Retiz Licona participated in numerous top Masonic events in the Western Hemisphere, including the World Conference, Inter-American Confederation and COMACA.

Brother Eduardo Retiz is founder of the Progressive Social Movement of the Republic (a paramasonic organization) in 1996. He received numerous Masonic honors from Parana, Espitiro Santo, Santa Catarina (Brazil), Peru, Argentina, Panama, Tamaulipas (Mexico), Italy, Haiti, Bolivia and Costa Rica.

Taken from Jurnal Masonic

Saturday, 18 February 2012

Grand Lodge Valle de Mexico celebrates its 150th anniversary

The Grand Lodge Valle de Mexico has celebrated its 150th anniversary. The event took place on February 6, 2012 in the federal capital, attended by several Grand Masters, informs the Grand Commission of Social Communications of the Grand Lodge.

The ceremony was marked by speeches and by receiving a copy of the original Masonic Charter received 150 years ago from the Grand Lodge of Colombia, document handed by the Grand Master of Colombia, Brother Jorge Alejandro Aviles Reyes.

Saturday, 11 February 2012

Charity Pancake and Sausage Supper

According to Brother David R. Ellis (who sent via Facebook a message), the Charity Pancake and Sausage Supper was supported by many people: "This year's event was one of the most successful and best attended ever."

"Thank you to all in the community who attended, purchased tickets, contributed cash, donated goods or services and/or helped prepare, serve or clean up. Each of you has helped to extend the arm of Brotherly Love and Relief to those who are in need of a helping hand," said Brother Ellis.

The event was sponsored by Mount Lebanon Masonic Lodge in Wilson and of this annual event benefited two of the Masonic Charities in North Carolina:

1) The Masonic Home for Chiildren at Oxford (formerly known as Oxford Orphanage);
2) WhiteStone: A Masonic and Eastern Star Retirement Community in Greensboro NC.

To learn more about our Charities, visit their websites at:

Thursday, 9 February 2012

The Masonic Club of Singapore

In 1886, the Masonic Club was established to support Singapore freemasonry. The restaurant is open to the public so please feel free to join us for lunch, dinner or to host a special event.

There is a private bar for Freemasons as well as a jackpot room and other private facilities.

Wednesday, 8 February 2012

Masonic Press Agency of Romania: Chennai to host the World Conference of Regular Grand Lodges

According to APMR's (Masonic Press Agency of Romania) Secretary-General statement on February 4th, 2012, the city of Chennai will host the next World Conference of Regular Grand Lodges to be organized by the Grand Lodge of India.

"I was informed from New Delhi this week that the host city of the next World Conference of Regular Grand Lodges will be Chennai, known in the past as Madras, located in Tamil Nadu state. Chennai will be ready to host between 500 and 1000 high-ranking Freemasons from around the world with no problems," stated APMR's Secretary-General.

Is Dominique de Villepin a Freemason?

APMRTV presented yesterday a short video in which Dominique de Villepin, former French PM was addressing a speech in front of Freemasons belonging to the Grand Orient of France as presidential candidate for this year.

Thursday, 2 February 2012

The end is near for Stifani's GLNF

After almost 100 years and on the basis of the already known situation of French Freemasonry, Stifani's "Masonic empire" - GLNF - is collapsing faster then ever. Isolated by almost all West European Grand Lodges and by some from South-Eastern continent, such as Turkey, GLNF receives the news of a new Grand Lodge ready to emerge in France.

Members of Stifani's opposition will found a new Grand Lodge, most probably supported by the French Scottish Rite and by some of the European Grand Lodges. Now, the balance may give Stifani some trouble... What if starting with the Grand Lodge in Morocco many African Grand Lodges will suspend relations with his Grand Lodge?

The interesting process of suspending Masonic recognition is to take an even larger scale when at the World Conference of Regular Grand Lodges, to take place in India, Stifani will not be invited! Therefore many of the Latin American and East European Grand Lodges will rethink their Masonic foreign relations with France. But the a question will appear soon: Will the new Grand Lodge receive UGLE's recognition?