Saturday, 24 March 2012

Gustavo Raffi: "the Women's Grand Lodge of England has over 100 years"

APMR informs on March 22nd the Grand Master of Grand Orient of Italy (Gustavo Raffi) attended the Rai 3 show hosted by journalist Corrado Augias, "Le Storie". From the article "Gustavo Raffi | Who are Freemasons in reality?" we quote:

(...) One of these questions was the presence of the catholic Freemasons within the Vatican. The Grand Master said: "I personally do not believe it," adding that "the one who is in charge of the city of God, should deal with the city of God and not intervene in human life."

Gustavo Raffi, MWGM Grand Orient of Italy

Asked by one of the students present in the studio, the Grand Master said that women Freemasonry does exist and the Women's Grand Lodge of England has over 100 years. He also said that the Grand Orient of Italy has paramasonic female organizations. In this respect, Corrado Augias asked Raffi if GOI is like the Catholic Church, and he offered a short "no" as an answer.

"A country that does not invest in school is a dead country," said Raffi regarding his vision on education as a Freemason and Grand Master.

Colombia's Minister of Justice attended a debate organized by the Grand Lodge of Colombia

Juan Carlos Esguerra (Minister of Justice and Rights of Columbia) participated at the Forum on Reform and Justice organized at the headquarters of the Grand Lodge of Colombia, an event attended also by Brother Edgar Peña (General of the National Police) and Brother Fabio Aristizabal (former judge of the Supreme Court).

Canada's time to say no to the GLNF

As usual the whistle blower reported that the Grand Lodge of Ontario (Canada) suspended relations with the French National Grand Lodge - GLNF.

The Brother managing the website said also that "More bad news came for Ephesse yesterday, from the Balkans this time. The Grand Lodge of Serbia suspended relations with the GLNF. This could create a domino effect within the various countries that made up Yugoslavia."

Wednesday, 21 March 2012

French Freemasonry condemns Toulouse attack

The attack by an unidentified gunman on a Jewish school in Toulouse, France was condemned by most of the French Masonic Bodies, starting with the Grand Orient of France. The city is in mourning and shock.

Toulouse, a city on the banks of the Garonne river in southwestern France, is best known for its historic old town, universities, churches and galleries, and for being home to aircraft manufacturer Airbus, according to CNN.

According to APMR's (Masonic Press Agency of Romania) Chancellery on Foreign Affairs (CAEx), on March 21st, GOdF's Grand Master wrote a letter to the mayor of Toulouse saying that "I would like to express the deep emotion of the Council of the Order of the Grand Orient of France following the shooting of Toulouse. Beyond our indignation, we think of the victims, children, families and school teachers. For years we denounced the remarks that fuel the hatred within the national community and we are fighting a rampant and destructive nationalism, as it was the experience of France in the 1930s. Faced with these intolerable crimes, the Grand Orient of France called the French people, united in their diversity, more than ever to defend the human rights and the fight for dignity."

Monday, 19 March 2012

ANNUAL CONVOCATION & AGENDA | District Grand Chapter of East Africa

The Annual Convocation of the District Grand Chapter of East Africa will be held at Freemasons' Hall Nairobi on Friday 23rd March 2012 at 7.00 pm to which the Principals and Past Principals of all Chapters in the District are summoned to attend and all other members of the Order are invited to be present.

Rajendra G Thakar PAGDC
District Grand Scribe 'E'

  1. District Grand Chapter will be opened in due form.
  2. To confirm Minutes of the Annual Convocation held on Friday 25th March 2011.
  3. To call roll of all Chapters.
  4. To present audited accounts for the year 2011.
  5. To elect the District Grand Treasurer for the year 2012.
  6. To elect Auditor for the year 2012.
  7. To present report of the District Grand Scribe E.
  8. To announce the appointments of the Second and Third District Grand Principals.
  9. To announce the appointment of the Deputy Grand Superintendent.
  10. To Appoint and Invest District Grand Officers for the year 2012.
  11. Address by M E The Grand Superintendent.
  12. Correspondence.
  13. Any other business M E The Grand Superintendent may permit.
  14. District Grand Chapter will be closed in due form.

Thursday, 15 March 2012

Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons withdraws France's recognition

Announced yesterday and updated today, the information that the Grand Lodge of Mark Masons in France has no more UK's recognition is confirmed on the official website of the GLMMM, led by Prince Michael of Kent.

"A number of French brethren have petitioned the Grand Master to form a new Mark Lodge, meeting here, consisting of French brethren. These Mark and R.A.M. Lodges were Consecrated here on Saturday 10th March 2012."

According to the same source, "The Mark Executive Committee have considered this very recent development and have concluded that (...) they should recommend to the Grand Master that recognition be withdrawn from G.L.M.M.M. France forthwith. The Grand Master has acceded to the recommendation and accordingly, recognition of G.L.M.M.M. France has been withdrawn."

Wednesday, 14 March 2012

Another tittle-tattle styled show in French Freemasonry

One more show in Paris and this time we are talking about a tittle-tattle or cancan styled show.

"Today the Commission for Candidatures for the Grand Mastership met. Five candidatures were refused, two totally unknown, one known but of little consequence and two of national importance were refused. At this point no reasons have been given for the refusals," says one of the Myosotis groups.

Tuesday, 13 March 2012

Authorities support the 2012 CMSB's General Assembly

During July 7th to 11th, 2012, the Confederation of Symbolic Masonry of Brazil will held its Annual ordinary General Assembly.

Governor Tião Viana

The event organized by the Grand Lodge of Acre is supported by the Governor of the State of Acre. The Governor reiterated his support for the biggest annual Masonic event in Brazil, saying that the state of Acre is interested in hosting this event.

Monday, 12 March 2012

More then 20 foreign Masonic delegations attended the Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge of Spain

Saturday was held in Madrid the Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge of Spain led by Grand Most Worshipful Master Oscar de Alfonso Ortega.

The Grand Orator and Grand Secretary presented the annual reports of the Grand Lodge and took place the ratification of decisions taken by the Grand Lodge in the past year. Professor J. A. Ferrer Benimelli was honored for his effort and dedication to the study of Freemasonry. The ceremony ended at 20:00 and it was followed by a dinner in honor of all guests.

State of Freemasonry in French Polynesia

Stifani's Assistant Grand Master issued a circular to all the Grand Lodges informing on the situation of Freemasonry in French Polynesia. Philippe Tardivel announced all Grand Masters that the current Grand Master of Grand Lodge of Tahiti was kicked out of GLNF, that the three Lodges which formed the new Grand Lodge were never under GLNF's jurisdiction and that GLNF has no idea in which conditions was installed Grand Master Philippe Gestas.

Tardivel recalls the fact that French Polynesia is under the sovereignty of the French Republic; that the French Republic is a indivisible territory and that GLNF has 4 Masonic Lodges in French Polynesia.

Tuesday, 6 March 2012

Former Executive President of the World Conference of Regular Grand Lodges talks for APMR about "the need of communication"

"The modern world have benefited from communications. Distances have been reduced. Business, academic and scientific operations experienced important developments due to communication. It’s enough to remember that today is possible for a scientist to perform an operation through communications and by using a robot.

Universities can now disseminate knowledge to countless people thanks to communications. Freemasonry can not avoid these benefits offered to us by this tool provided by modern man. We need to take advantage not only to strengthen the unity of the Grand Lodges and Freemasons, but also to develop our educational projects and to strengthen MEN (Masonic Education Network).


This is an example of the importance of communication as a tool to disseminate ideas, to contribute to education and unity among Brethren."

Friday, 2 March 2012

Former President of the World Conference of Regular Grand Lodges grants interview to the Masonic Press Agency of Romania (APMR)

According to APMR's Secretary-General, Hernando Osorio Rico (former President of the World Conference of Regular Grand Lodges) granted an interview to the Masonic Press Agency of Romania this week.

The Colombian Freemason led the Grand Lodge of Colombia at Cartagena de Indias as Grand Master and he was elected Executive President of the World Conference in Gabon. In 2011 he presided the 10th edition of the World Conference and now he is appointed by his own Grand Lodge to run for Executive Secretary of the Inter-American Masonic Confederation. He is competing with Eduardo Retiz Licona, Past Grand Master of the Grand Lodge Valle de Mexico.

Exclusively for APMR, Osorio Rico stated that "Since I was young I wanted to be a Freemason (...) I said that's what I want to be."

Hernando Osorio Rico with Grand Masters (heads of state) of African countries
and Thomas Jackson (Executive Secretary)

Regarding the agreement signed by the IMC with the OAS (Organization of American States) he added that "I think that the IMC-OSA agreement was not used to its full capacity. There are programs at Latin American level that could be conducted by IMC under this Agreement."