Friday, 28 December 2012

Dies Norman Schwarzkopf, commander of the first Gulf War

Brother Norman Schwarzkopf died on December 27, 2012, in Tampa, Florida, at age 78 due to complications from pneumonia. Schwarzkopf was a central pawn of the first Gulf War (1991) as its military commander. The American General born in 1934 in New Jersey took part in the Vietnam War and led Desert Storm operation.

After attending Valley Forge Military Academy, Schwarzkopf, an army brat, attended the United States Military Academy, where he graduated 43rd in his class in 1956 with a Bachelor of Science degree. He also attended the University of Southern California, where he received a Master of Science in mechanical engineering in 1964. His special field of study was guided missile engineering, a program that USC developed with the Army, which incorporated both aeronautical and mechanical training. He later attended the U.S. Army War College.

Thursday, 13 December 2012

GLNF's Jean Murat might join the United Grand Lodge of England

After years of struggle against Stifani's GLNF leadership, Jean Murat resigned from the French National Grand Lodge. 30 years as a prominent member of the former sole internationally recognized Grand Lodge in France, Jean Murat considers that nothing will change with Servel as Grand Master.

He might join the United Grand Lodge of England where he is a honorific member since 1988 or, maybe join one of the many recently Grand Lodges composed of GLNF Masonic Lodges.

Wednesday, 5 December 2012

François Stifani suspended from GLNF

APMR reports that Jean-Pierre Servel, the new Grand Master of GLNF decided on December 4, 2012, to suspend Past Grand Master François Stifani.  Stifani was suspended for unethical Masonic conduct, violation of fundamental rules, attempt against the Fundamental Principles of the Craft and attempting against the image and proper functioning of the French National Grand Lodge.

According to this decree, Stifani is forbidden to attend GLNF's Lodge meetings, the Annual Communication and Board of General Purposes.