Thursday, 29 August 2013

Daniel KELLER | Grand Orient of France's PS. Not postscript but Partie Socialiste

The Masonic Press Agency announces through a institutional communication that the newly elected Grand Master of GOdF is Daniel Keller. A new elected Grand Master in France might chance the issues between the Grand Lodge of France and the Grand Orient of France, the largest masonic organization on continental Europe. Difficult to say if things will take the mentioned path...

Daniel KELLER (54 years old), father of three, Freemason for over 17 years, was initiated in Vérité - Ni Dieu Ni Maître Lodge, Paris.He was member of the Order's Council and presided over GOdF's General Assembly. Keller was also President of the Lodges of his region, composing Parisian Lodges and Lodges from Russia, Serbia, Bulgaria, Poland and Macedonia. By this, Eastern Europe will probably receive his Masonic attention. On the other hand Keller knows the international affairs of GOdF's Masonic interests.

William G. Sizemore, 33° Past Sovereign Grand Commander Honoris Causa of the Supreme Council for the Southern Jurisdiction of the United States of America

Another important momentous event took place at the 2013 Biennial session in Washington this Monday:   William G. Sizemore, 33°, became the first Past Sovereign Grand Commander Honoris Causa of the Supreme Council for the Southern Jurisdiction of the United States of America. He has served as Grand Executive Director of the Supreme Council, office currently occupied by his son.

 Gene Sizemore 33° has announced on Monday his withdrawal from the Supreme Council in Washington. Sizemore received from the Sovereign Grand Commander of the Northern Jurisdiction the highest award, Sizemore being the first ever Freemason alive receiving the medal of the Northern Jurisdiction.

Supreme Council for the Southern Jurisdiction of the United States grants recognition to the United Supreme Council Prince Hall affiliation for the Southern Jurisdiction

As the 2013 Biennial session of the Supreme Council for the Southern Jurisdiction was held on Monday morning at Hilton Hotel in Washington, history has been written once again: Ronald. A Seale, 33°, presented to Sovereign Grand Commander Illustrious Deary Vaughn, 33°, the recognition letter. Therefore, the Prince Hall affiliation United Supreme Council for the Southern Jurisdiction was fully recognized.

According to the Masonic Press Agency, "It's something we have had done a long time ago," said Ronald A. Seale before making an historic announcement. At the ceremony in Washington, today August 26, 2013, Sovereign Grand Commander Seale handed over a letter of recognition to the Prince Hall Supreme Council for the Southern Jurisdiction.

The same source mentions that:  Also, another announcement was made by the Sovereign Grand Commander for the Northern Jurisdiction: if the Supreme Council for the Southern Jurisdiction recognizes Prince Hall Supreme Council for the Southern Jurisdiction, then we will do it also. Excited to overflowing, Sovereign Grand Commander Deary Vaughn said: "I thought I would not live to see this."

Sunday, 25 August 2013

RotaractMUN's report on Day 1

According to the Masonic Press Agency, one of RotaractMUN's main partners, the works of the Security Council, the Human Rights Council and Peacebuilding Commission have commenced on August 22nd, with the vast majority of the delegates present. The morning has been reserved for revisiting the Rules of Procedure inside the councils, all issues regarding the interpretation and application of said rules having been discussed and agreed within the first hour and a half.

According to RotaractMUN's Rapporteur Alexandru Anciu, the Councils then began their work on the proposed agendas: Security Council: The situation in Syria; Human Rights Council: The integration of indigenous populations in the decision making process; Peace Building Commission: The situation in the Central African Republic.

For more information on RotaractMUN's first day of work, please visit RotaractMUN's official website.

RotaractMUN | Interview with Mr Kai Frithjof Brand-Jacobsen, Founder and Executive Director of PATRIR

Reporter: During RotaractMUN we debate important global issues, yet we would like to know your opinion – does our voice really count?

Kai Frithjof Brand-Jacobsen: It counts if you make it count. For it to mean something, to have an impact, you have to follow what you’re doing here with concrete actions. There is a growing global youth movement at this moment. If more and more organizations and young people get together and put their ideas in action, this can make the difference. A single ‘event’ like a conference or a meeting is not necessarily worth much on is own. It becomes important when you stay together, and then act and multiply the effect with the other organizations, in your communities, countries, and continuing to work together globally. To reach more people you should also use social media and make sure traditional media is fully involved. Many of you here at this event can use writing, videos, speaking with people to get what you’re doing here covered in your countries back home and visible to people world-wide. Also, during your days here, think about actions that you can do after the conference to multiply the effect more broadly.

Reporter: Which is the most important skill that you need as peace negotiator?

Kai Frithjof Brand-Jacobsen: Well,  like in any great field of human activity – medicine, engineering, science, art, sports – there’s not just one skill that you need. It’s a combination. Obviously, when you’re working in peacebuilding one critical skill is the ability to actual come up with and find ways to implement practical, real solutions to actual conflicts. But more than that, you need discipline. It is like in sports or medicine. To be a great ballet dancer or a great performer, or a surgeon you need discipline and practice. They learn hard before they have results. And their discipline is born of passion: they do it because they love it. And also we need an open mind and lots of creativity. There is another important thing, emotional, human intelligence. The ability to respect and understand what’s really important to people – what people care about, what people dream about, what they’re afraid of – across countries, cultures and genders. One positive thing though is that, just as in medicine or sports, we don’t need ‘one’ peaceworker. We need many people with different skills, different capacities, and able to work together. And we’re seeing this in the field. Increasing collaboration and mutual support. It is inspiring that today we do share a sense of togetherness. Your event is also a great example inspiring this.

Read the entire interview here.

Friday, 23 August 2013

Ambassador of The Netherlands among the important guests at Rotaract Global Model United Nations opening ceremony

According to the Masonic Press Agency, Rotaract Global Model United Nations has official opened its doors with a great ceremony. The audience was delighted to hear the advices, the encouragements and congratulations from some of the important speakers such as: the Governor of Rotary District 2241- Marian Liviu Mocan, Ambassador of The Netherlands to Romania – H.E. Mr. Matthijs van Bonzel, Former Romanian Ambassador to Russian Federation – Dumitru Dorin Prunariu (first Romanian astronaut), Mayor of Baia Mare - Catalin Chereches, Founder and Director of PATRIR – Kai Frithjof Brand-Jacobsen, President of Rotary Baia Mare 2005 - Cristian Anghel, President of Rotary Baia Mare – Mircea Mecea etc.

Dan Ungureanu, project manager of RotaractMUN opened the ceremony by saying that “our vision, our mission is that the conference jump from country to country all over the world.” The Municipality of Baia Mare sustained this project from the very beginning. Mayor Catalin Chereches rated in his speech how important it is that different generations stays together and learn from each other. “Lots of thanks to the seniors who are here to give an example, to share their experiences. We sustained this project because is one of the elite, applied to the top of young people. Your example is very simple: you are action and not re-action.”

It was a great honor for all the audience the presence of HE Mr. Matthijs van Bonzel, Ambassador of The Netherlands to Romania: “You give me the opportunity to get out off my box, by this speech. I am proud because I am also a member of Rotary Club in Costa Rica.”

“In the international world we have to make compromise every day. Important is that people came together and find solutions to the problems. I think you are a better equip that we where. Wish you all success.”

Historic Scottish Rite Masonic charter presented for the 200th anniversary of the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction in New York City

On August 5, 2013, took place a ceremonial presentation of the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction charter in New York City, where the main event happened 200 years ago. Sovereign Grand Commander John Wm. McNaughton presided the ceremony.

Sovereign Grand Commander Ronald A. Seale of the Southern Jurisdiction presented the Masonic Scottish Rite Charter, in attendance of the Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of New York, other officials of the Grand Lodge, as well as several Active Members of both Masonic Jurisdictions.