Sunday, 24 May 2015

Connaught Club and Kent Club | Interview with the Metropolitan Grand Master (United Grand Lodge of England)

According to the official website of the Connaught Club, Burgoyne Lodge No. 902 will host on Saturday 13th June, starting at 5:00pm at Freemasons’ Hall an interview with the Metropolitan Grand Master (United Grand Lodge of England). For subscriptions please click here

Statement regarding Masonic Time's policy

Beloved Brethren,

After a long period of reduced activity we have answered to all messages received via our official Facebook page. Thank you to all of you. But a message from a Brother in Europe oblige us to give an open answer. In first phase, this Brother asked us why we do not announce the event indicated by him. In the second phase he accused us for being "Regular".

Well, there are some certain things we need to state:

  • We are not just Regular, bur Regular Freemasons, yes and we are proud of it.
  • We do not publish anything which is not in accordance with our policy.
This European Brother was referring to the Annual General Assembly of CLIPSAS, an international Masonic organization which is irregular, being composed by irregular Grand Lodges/Orients, whose lineage goes back to the Grand Orient of France. Except the Grand Orients of France and Belgium the other Masonic organizations are almost not important in their countries. Thus we do not want to promote such event and we rather announce the activities of the French National Grand Lodge (GLNF), Regular Grand Lodge of Belgium etc.

We have published since we have started this activity a lot of news regarding some irregular Masonic organizations, but our main line of news/articles are based on the lineage of the United Grand Lodge of England and the AASR Supreme Council for the Southern Jurisdiction of the United States of America (Mother Grand Lodge of the World & Mother Supreme Council of the World).

Fraternal regards,

Masonic Times team

Monday, 11 May 2015

World Conference on Fraternalism, Freemasonry & History: Research in Ritual, Secrecy, and Civil Society

The World Conference on Fraternalism, Freemasonry, and History: Research in Ritual, Secrecy, and Civil Society (La Conférence Mondiale sur la Fraternité, la Franc-maçonnerie et l'Histoire, recherche sur les notions de rituel, de secret et leur rapport à la Société civile) will take place on 29 & 30 May 2015 in Paris, France. This first conference will be hosted by the National Library of Paris and will be cosponsored by:

According to PSO's description, the conference "focuses on the study of ritual, secrecy, and civil society vis-à-vis the dynamics of Masonic scholarship around the world. The conference explores how civil society, secrecy, and ritual have been important elements during different episodes of local and world histories, and indeed still are. The WCFFH 2015 is a part of the PSO's support of research into social capital, civility, and the role of non governmental organizations in democracy".

International Commission for Fraternalism Studies: Guillermo De Los Reyes (Conference Chair- University of Houston), Paul Rich (George Mason University), Daniel Guiterrez-Sandoval (Policy Studies Organization), Pierre Mollier (Editor, Ritual, Secrecy, and Civil Society), Alain Bauer (National Conservatory for Arts and Crafts), Brent Morris (Scottish Rite Supreme Council), John Belton (Manchester Association of Masonic Research), Yasha Beresiner (InterCol London), Whitney Shepard (Policy Studies Organization), Guillermo Izabal (PriceWaterhouseCooper).

More info:

Présentation du colloque
   Detailed Schedule of Events / Le programme en français
   Topics and Proposals for WCFHH 2015
   Committee on the Francken Documets: Special Pre-Conference Meeting
   Discussion of the Congress
   2017 World Conference in Paris
   About the Bibliothèque Nationale: Important Venue Notes 
   Reccommended Reading Lists and Resources 
   Other Travel Suggestions and Local Attractions
   The Role of the PSO in Academia