The Freemason
Gustavo Pardo Valdes was initiated in Freemasonry in 1984, the La Luz de Occidente Lodge, where he served as Secretary of the Lodge. In 1986, he is transferred to Havana Lodge, where he held the following positions: Worshipful Master, Senior Warden, Secretary, Representative to the High Chamber of the Grand Lodge of Cuba and Spiritual Father.
From 1991 he was Secretary of the Library Commission, and in 1994 he was elected Chairman of the Standing Committee of the Library. In the year 2000 is elected President of Public Relations Committee. The year 2006 brings him the "Masonic Merit Award." Brethren Gustavo Pardo Valdes is an honorary member of 10 Masonic Lodges and guarantor of friendship of 12 Masonic Lodges.
Gustavo Pardo Valdes
candidate to Grand Master of Cuba
Also he had an important activity in the Masonic Academy for Advanced Studies. In 1997 enters the symbolism section, in 1998 became Secretary of the Section of symbolism, and in 2005 was elected President of the Masonic Academy for Advanced Studies.
In 1985 enters the Galileo Lodge of Perfection #28, and in 1986 enters the Galileo Chapter #81. In 1987 became a Knight Kadosh, and in 1988 enters in the Santiago Consistory #1.
He is crowned Sovereign Grand Inspector General in 1999 and in 2001 became an active member of the Supreme Council for Cuba. Gustavo Pardo Valdes was elected Grand Chancellor and Secretary General of the Supreme Council for Cuba.
Gustavo Pardo Valdes - The profane
Born in 1946 in Havana, in his profane life Brethren Gustavo is a geotechnical specialist and author of several books on Freemasonry. It was noted as a powerful speaker of democracy in the castrist Cuban system and for his democratic beliefs, he was arrested by the Cuban government, being therefore a political prisoner. After he got out of prison, our Brethren continued to speak in favor of democracy, assuming the risk under a regime of which many nations labeled as totalitarian.
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