Tuesday, 26 July 2011

Jean Michel Mascherpa (Grand Master of the Grand Lodge ALPINA) strongly reaffirm that Freemasonry is firmly opposed to any fundamentalist

Since Saturday, TV and newspapers around the world reported the tragic events that occurred in Norway, the murder committed by abject Anders Behring Breivik is beyond comprehension. He photographed himself wit Masonic Regalia and declared himself as a "Christian fundamentalist." It was unthinkable for the Masonic world that this man could one day be a part until its membership of the Grand Lodge of Norway has been confirmed.

The Brothers of the ALPINA Swiss Grand Lodge are addressing to all the families of the victims of this incomprehensible crime and are expressing their deepest sympathy. They shall also send their fraternal sympathy to all Brethren of the Grand Lodge of Norway knowing how they must feel, despair not have imagined the potential criminal the man they had received within its members.

The Swiss Freemasonry of the Grand Lodge Alpina, member of the fraternal universal chain is appalled by the horror of the act committed in the name of an extremist ideology will, and of a world view that is not ours.

We strongly reaffirm that Freemasonry is firmly opposed to any fundamentalist, religious or political, that strongly condemns the intellectual radicalism and all the inhumane and intolerant attitudes. Freemasonry promotes the contrary, the values ​​of the Enlightenment of the 18th century of tolerance and humanism. It engages in the world for the promotion of democracy, secularism, respect for individual beliefs and opinions, in the interests of the fraternal chain of universal love.

Jean Michel Mascherpa
Grand Master
ALPINA Grand Lodge of Switzerland

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