Wednesday, 30 November 2011

Alain Bauer and the letter to Alan Englefield. Does the Grand Orient of France and the Grand Lodge of France mix in GLNF's internal affairs?

In a letter sent recently to the United Grand Lodge of England, Alain Bauer (former Grand Master of the Grand Orient of France, currently Nicolas Sarkozy's advisor), Michel Barat (former Grand Master of GLdF) and Roger Dachez (President of the Masonic Institute of France) are asking Alan Englefield (UGLE's Grand Chancellor) to put an end to the situation in France, to be precise to GLNF's turmoil.

This document may be interpreted as an interference of the Grand Orient of France and of the Grand Lodge of France in the internal affairs of the French National Grand Lodge. Both Masonic bodies mentioned above were recognized by the United Grand Lodge of England centuries ago (GOdF's case).

Golden Jubilee of the Grand Lodge of India

The Grand Lodge of India celebrated 50 years since its founding in 1961. The event was marked by commemorative ceremonies attended by several Masonic delegations. The Grand Lodge of India was founded on November 24, 1961, being the most important Grand Lodge of South Asia.

The most notable presence was that of Brother David Kenneth Williamson (Assistant Grand Master), the representative of the United Grand Lodge of England. Former President of India Abdul Kalam was the guest of honor of the Grand Lodge, reports APMR (Masonic Press Agency of Romania).

Monday, 28 November 2011

Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge of Gabon

According to APMR's (Masonic Press Agency of Romania) Secretariat General, on November 12 took place in Libreville, Gabon, the 28th Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge of Gabon, led by Most Worshipful Grand Master Ali Bongo Ondimba. A day earlier took place the first General Assembly of the Royal Arch Grand Chapter of Gabon.

Sunday, 27 November 2011

Guy Arcizet: I will not accept to see Marine Le Pen crossing the grand hall of Rue Cadet

The "2012 Grand Changes" political, social and Masonic program of the Grand Orient of France starts offering a new perspective on how French Freemasons see the concept of tolerance in the future of France. It's a tricky subject but none of them seem to notice the radical non Masonic speech. At least not Guy Arcizet, the Grand Master of the Grand Orient of France.

A debate about Marine Le Pen produced radical answers in recent days from the leader of the biggest Masonic body in French Freemasonry. Until now the Grand Orient invited the candidate of the Socialist Party, François Holland, François Bayrou and Jean-Luc Mélenchon. Of course the doors of the Masonic Temple were closed during the debates and just over 400 Freemasons, including Arcizet and other Past Grand Masters attended the Masonic (?), political (?) and social (?) debate.

But what about Marine Le Pen (whose number one supporter is a member of the French National Grand Lodge - GLNF)? Guy Arcizet said that "I will not accept to see Marine Le Pen during my mandate crossing the grand hall of Rue Cadet". Kind of shocking replica for a liberal Grand Master!

Tuesday, 22 November 2011

Grande Loge Nationale Française (GLNF) signs Treaty with the Grand Lodge of Baja California in Mexico

The French National Grand Lodge (Grande Loge Nationale Française - GLNF) led by Most Worshipful Grand Master François Stifani signed this weekend in Mexico a Recognition Treaty with the Grand Lodge of State Baja California (member of the Inter-American Masonic Confederation and of the World Conference of Regular Grand Lodges).

photo: APMR - Masonic Press Agency of Romania

GLNF is a full member of the Inter-American Masonic Confederation, part of Zone 2 with the Grand Orient of Haiti, the Grand Lodge of the Dominican Republic, the Grand Lodge of Puerto Rico and the Grand Lodge of Cuba.

Monday, 21 November 2011

Conquering the sympathy of Freemasons in Turkey. The Masonic Press Agency of Romania launches RMHA (Romanya Masonik Haber Ajansı)

For APMR the most ambitious project so far is RMHA (Romanya Masonik Haber Ajansı), the Turkish version of the Masonic Press Agency in Romania. The project launched today will finalize at the end of a hard and extensive work of APMR.

The project is an old initiative of APMR's Secretary-General. Thus APMR wants to emphasize the importance offered to all Turkish speaking Freemasons and to the Turkish Freemasonry in general, stated APMR's Secretary-General.

Sunday, 20 November 2011

Expansion of the Masonic Press Agency of Romania in the Masonic Lusophone community

"The importance of the Lusophone world is very high for us," said APMR's Secretary-General today. On November 20, 2011, the Secretariat General of the Masonic Press Agency of Romania has decided to relaunch Jornal Maçônico (first member, with APMR, which led to the creation of Masonic Press Group in Romania in August 2009). Today also begins the final preparations for APMR's Portuguese virtual page.

Saturday, 19 November 2011

Christmas Concert at Freemasons' Hall in Scotland

On December 11, 2011, Phoenix Choir from Glasgow will perform at the Christmas Concert to be held in Freemasons' Hall, an event supported by the Grand Lodge of Scotland.

Wednesday, 16 November 2011

UGLE, GLNF and other Grand Lodges will attend IMC's General Assembly in Tijuana, Mexico

The Mexican city of Tijuana will host starting with November 17th, 2011, the most important Masonic event of Latin America: IMC's General Assembly. The event is a preliminary reunion for the 2012 General Assembly to be hold in Brasilia, Brazil. The event is organized by the Grand Lodge of Baja California (founding member of the Confederation of Regular Grand Lodges of the United Mexican States).

According to the Masonic Press Agency of Romania (promoter of the event) Thomas Jackson (Executive secretary of the World Conference of Grand Lodges) and delegations of UGLE and GLNF will attend the event together with Grand Lodges from Mexico, Central and South America. The latest news regarding the event you can find here.

Second Masonic March against corruption in Brazil

The second Masonic March against corruption took place on November 15 in Brazil, an important day in the history of Brazilian Freemasonry since on November 15 was Proclaimed the Republic. The march took place in several capitals of the Brazilian states, report APMR. In Goias attended Freemasons of the Grand Lodge and the Grand Orient, led by the two Grand Masters: Ruy Rocha and Barbosa Nunes. Also attended the event the Public Ministry, Order of Lawyers of Brazil, trade unions, students, Federal Police and representatives of various religious cults.

Friday, 11 November 2011

GOdF's Combat Lodge oppose Sarkozy's arrival in the Grand Temple of Paris

In October, GOdF's Combat Lodge issued an open letter to all Lodges who wanted to invite Nicolas Sarkozy (Nicolas Paul Stéphane Sarkozy de Nagy-Bocsa, Co-Prince of the Principality of Andorra and Master of the Legion of Honor) to the debates organized by GOdF. Freemasons of Combat Lodge publicly declared their opposition to Sarkozy's participation in these debates, not wanting the president to be invited on Rue Cadet.

"To receive Mr. Sarkozy would be to give him what he looked for a long time. Mr Sarkozy wants that his own Hebrews, his own Muslims and that his own Freemasons all to become a part of his electoral device," said members of Combat Lodge in their open letter. Also regarding Sarkozy they also mentioned the following: "A teacher can never replace a priest."

Alain Bauer, head of Sarkozy's campaign, is "head" of the French security

Bauer led the Grand Orient of France in 2000-2003 (he also served as Counsellor of the Order and deputy of Philippe Guglielmi, and in 2005 he resigned from all national offices) and heis a forensic and a specialist on issues regarding urban security. Today is Sarkozy's adviser on security issues and terrorism, a position he also occupied (in the Homeland Ministry) when Sarkozy was minister, but also during Jean Pierre Chevènement mandate.

Until the end of 2009 he was a member of the board of the Institute of Strategic and International Relations. He became famous during the evening of February 19, 2011, when he said at TV that "Freemasonry is in some way the Church of the Republic".

Grand Orient's members make opposition to Marine Le Pen (supported by a GLNF member)

On the background of the media scandal which involved the former Director General of the International Monetary Fund and the fast climb in the polls of Mrs. Marine Le pen, the Grand Orient of France organizes debates regarding political, economic and social ideas at its headquarters (on Rue Cadet).

GOdF has pledged to hold these discussions from September 2011 to January 2012, inviting the six major candidates (François Bayrou, Jean-Louis Borloo, Eva Joly, Jean-Luc Mélenchon, Nicolas Sarkozy and the candidate of the Socialist Party) and to offer them the chance of expressing their political program and to undergo a whole series of questions about what they want from France, what are they offering to France and, especially, if they understand the needs of the French people.
Marine Le Pen problem is that she does not seem to have a real chance of being invited by the Grand Orient of France because, as is well known, the National Front and GOdF have always had an open conflict on issues like abortion, same sex marriages, euthanasia and others. When talking about elections we must agree that the only Grand Lodge that has not openly declared its vote against Le Pen (her father) - during the Chirac period - was the French National Grand Lodge (GLNF).

In the same vein, it should be recalled that the President of the Support Committee for Le Pen is Gilbert Collard (lawyer practicing in Marseille), initiated the Grand Lodge of France, now a member of the French National Grand Lodge (GLNF).

Gérard Contremoulin spoke on September 8, 2011, about the fact that "the National Front is incompatible with the Grand Orient." He began his comment by saying: "The National Front is not a Republican party! Its program is not compatible with the Masonic ideals, we have nothing in common with it, and it (the National Front) does not hesitate to affirm it."

Rumors about a new Masonic policy between France and UK?

APMR announces that in about two hours in Paris will take place a historic event, as shown by the members of the Grand Orient of France. Its all about the visit of Brother Julian Rees from the United Grand Lodge of England. Rees will talk about "The spiritual path of Freemason" in a comparative analysis on convergence.

The invitation was made by l'International Lodge and Grand Master Guy Arcizet announced its presence at this event Masonic along with the Deputy Grand Master Jean-Pierre Tandin. Also female Freemasons will attend the scheduled event.

Saturday, 5 November 2011

Romanian Freemasonry is at risk. GLNF's Masonic scenario might be applied also in Romania

APMR announces that NGLR's (National Grand Lodge of Romania) Annual Communication, which takes place this morning, seems to be noisy and acid. On the basis of various problems gathered in recent years, due to the election of a new Grand Master that occurred in 2010 and to the Annual Communication this spring, exist the risk of a major conflict within the leadership of NGLR. A conflict can escalate enough to get to the profane court.

The negative French model is a bad example for Freemasonry in Romania. Profane interference in Masonic affairs, as is happening today in Paris, it would only destabilize the Romanian Freemasonry and produce a very dangerous precedent. Given all this, MPAR/APMR decided not to publish the name of any Brethren involved (except that of the Grand Master who publicly admitted his membership to Freemasonry).

Romania and the Romanian Freemasonry is at risk to convert into the second GLNF. The horrible GLNF scenario might be applied also in its sister country located in the Oriental Europe and well known for its strength in the region. Excepting Turkey, Romania hosts the larges number of Freemasons in Central and Eastern Europe (around 10.000 Brethren).

The worst case scenario could transform that European Masonic oasis into a French Masonic hell and also could bring the suspension of recognition from the United Grand Lodge of England and from other European and North American Grand Lodges.

Wednesday, 2 November 2011

Mexican Freemasons discussed the current situation of Mexico

On September 29, 2011, the Grand Lodge of Chihuahua held a meeting on last Saturday with the Grand Lodges of the Confederation of Regular Grand Lodges of the United Mexican States. The event was attended by the Grand Masters of Zacatecas, Aguascalientes, Durango and Chihuahua, along with the Executive Secretary of the Confederation (Javier Muñoz), representing the President Felipe Vitela Mora.

According to the Masonic Press Agency of Romania (APMR) the host Grand Master, Dr. Fernando Acosta Martínez informed that three round tables were set to work with the following topics: analysis of mechanisms of communication between the Grand Lodges in the country; examining and putting into action the various agreements emanating from the latest Masonic national boards; the political, economic and social situation of the country.