Sunday, 27 November 2011

Guy Arcizet: I will not accept to see Marine Le Pen crossing the grand hall of Rue Cadet

The "2012 Grand Changes" political, social and Masonic program of the Grand Orient of France starts offering a new perspective on how French Freemasons see the concept of tolerance in the future of France. It's a tricky subject but none of them seem to notice the radical non Masonic speech. At least not Guy Arcizet, the Grand Master of the Grand Orient of France.

A debate about Marine Le Pen produced radical answers in recent days from the leader of the biggest Masonic body in French Freemasonry. Until now the Grand Orient invited the candidate of the Socialist Party, François Holland, François Bayrou and Jean-Luc Mélenchon. Of course the doors of the Masonic Temple were closed during the debates and just over 400 Freemasons, including Arcizet and other Past Grand Masters attended the Masonic (?), political (?) and social (?) debate.

But what about Marine Le Pen (whose number one supporter is a member of the French National Grand Lodge - GLNF)? Guy Arcizet said that "I will not accept to see Marine Le Pen during my mandate crossing the grand hall of Rue Cadet". Kind of shocking replica for a liberal Grand Master!

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