A new Grand Lodge in France

According to Stifani's opposition, "at today’s National Convention of the ULRF 200 elected delegates representing GLNF Lodges from every Province in France met at Neuilly Bineau. Their principle desire was to find a common solution suitable to the vast majority. Rapidly things took shape, particularly following a presentation of the state of the situation by the Opposition Pilot Committee chairman, Alain JUILLET."

According to the same source, "The first and most important decision, arising from the common feeling that the brethren have had enough and are sick and tired of waiting, was the creation of a new Obedience."

Thursday, 26 January 2012

Grand Master of Chile at the University of Concepción

Yesterday the Grand Master of Chile was invited to Los Angeles (California, US) to give a lecture at the University of Concepción. Luis Riveros is the former rector of the University of Chile and the elected Grand Master of Chile, an important public and social figure of the Chilean academic and civil society.

Rumors around Lázaro Cuesta Valdés, Cuba's new Sovereign Grand Commander

The new elected Sovereign Grand Commander of Cuba, Cuesta Valdés is one of the leaders of the "Abacuá" secret society and founder of a religios-syncretic society composed by the Babalawos, entitled "Organising Committee of the Letter of the Year".

There are rumors that Cuesta Valdés Cuba leads a society (Abacuá) which follows castrist government guidelines. Also, there was fear that the election of Lázaro Cuesta Valdés could lead to the introduction of Afro-Cuban religious practices in the Masonic ritual.

Sarkozy meets with French Freemasons but without Stifani

French President Sarkozy invited the Freemasons at the Elysee Palace yesterday. He has appeared before the French Masons to express his good wishes. The great absent of the meeting was Stifani, GLNF's Grand Master.

The Monegasque Grand Lodge no longer recognizes Stifani's GLNF

According to a letter sent by the Regular National Grand Lodge of the Principality of Monaco, the Monegasque Grand Master informs Stifani that they no longer recognize the National Grand Lodge of France - GLNF.

MW Jean-Pierre PASTOR sent the above letter on January 25, 2012, announce that GLNF's recognition was suspended.

Tuesday, 24 January 2012

Fernando Lima: "Nobody condemns the Catholic Church because it has two or three pedophile priests"

Fernando Lima, the new Grand Master of the Portuguese Grand Orient (GOL) offered a shocking interview: "GOL's Grand Master advises the Minister of Justice to reconsider her statement regarding Freemasons."

He began his interview by stating firmly that the future law requiring all Freemasons to declare their membership is unconstitutional, stressing that this is against all European conventions. Asked what he thought about the statements of Paula Teixeira da Cruz (Minister of Justice) concerning the obligation to officially and publicly declare Masonic membership, Fernando Lima said, "I understand that there are some divergent positions, but not legal ones."

Lima wanted to recall that he was received by the Presidents of the European Commission, European Council and of the European Parliament and that the Lisbon Treaty recognizes Freemasonry as an organization.

Romanian Freemasons' celebration on January 24

In Romania, a country located in Oriental Europe, Freemasonry celebrates each year on January 24. The national festivity remembers the 1859 unification of two principalities (Valahia and Moldova) within the borders of the Carpathians, Danube, Black Sea and Prut river.

Under the rule and double election of Prince Alexandru Ioan Cuza and with the help of the Romanian Freemasons and of those abroad, especially in France and England, the unification process toke place on 24 January 1859. Romanian Freemasons remember the help offered by their Brother Napoleon III, Emperor of France and Queen Victoria after the Osborne reunion of the two monarchs.

The Masonic Grand Lodge of Colorado held a cornerstone dedication ceremony on Saturday

According to Trinidad Times, the Masonic Grand Lodge of Colorado held a cornerstone dedication ceremony on Saturday for the Trinidad Ambulance District’s new building on State Highway 12.

Saturday, 21 January 2012

The election of a new SGC in Cuba could lead to the introduction of Afro-Cuban religious practices in the Masonic ritual?

Jesús Luciano Armada Pena, Sovereign Grand Commander of the Supreme Council of Cuba has resigned. His reasons were the advanced age and cardiovascular malfunction. Therefore Lázaro Cuesta Valdés was elected Sovereign Grand Commander of Cuba and Adalberto González Concepción Lieutenant Grand Commander.

Cuba's new Sovereign Grand Commander

Cuesta Valdés is one of the leaders of the "Abacuá" secret society and founder of a religios-syncretic society composed by the Babalawos, entitled "Organising Committee of the Letter of the Year". Babaaláwo in full and pronounced Baba-a-láwo, literally meaning 'father or master of the mysticism' in the Yoruba language.

There were also rumors that Cuesta Valdés Cuba leads a society (Abacuá) which follows castrist government guidelines. Also, there was fear that the election of Lázaro Cuesta Valdés could lead to the introduction of Afro-Cuban religious practices in the Masonic ritual.

Wednesday, 18 January 2012

Presidential candidate Eva Joly went to the Grand Temple in Paris last night

Eva Joly (December 5, 1943) is a Norwegian-born French magistrate and politician for the French Green Party. On 7 June 2009, Joly was elected as a French member of the European Parliament on the Ile de France "Europe Écologie" list, on which she was 2nd to Daniel Cohn-Bendit. In 2011, Joly was competing in the primaries of Europe Écologie - Les Verts against Nicolas Hulot, Stephane L'Hommme and Henri Stoll to represent the merged parties at the president of France in the election of 2012. She was elected in the second round of voting against Hulot, with 58%.

Last night, according with an official note sent by CAEx (Chancellery on Foreign Affairs) to APMR's Secretary-General and quoted by JM, Eva Joly officially attended a Masonic meeting in Rue Cadet, Paris, at the invitation of the Grand Orient of France, to debate on her view of France for the next term as a possible President of the country.

The AASR will turn the hands of the clock back 70 years

According to Brazil Times,"This will be a unique experience because going to the movie house back then was an entire afternoon or evening out on the town," event coordinator and Scottish Rite officer Christopher Stevens said.

Tuesday, 17 January 2012

Chile's Congress | MP highlighted the contribution of Freemasonry in Chile

Upon completion of 150 years since its founding on January 11, 1862, Chilean MP's paid tribute to the Order and Liberty Lodge of Copiapo, highlighting its contribution to public education in Atacama and in the country.

From the stands followed the tribute the Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Chile, Luis Riveros Cornejo, the Grand Secretary General, Juan Carlos Gonzalez, the Grand Treasurer, Mario Cabezas, the Great Temple Guard, Roberto Pliscoff, Venerable Master of Order and Liberty #3 Lodge, Luis Alvarez, and members of the Grand Lodge of Chile.

A good start for the Grand Lodge of New York in 2012

As usual, Freemasonry in the United States helps each year many of those in need. This year, the Foundation of the Grand Lodge of New York in partnership with the Order Sons of Italy has announced the 2012 scholarship program.

Through the mentioned partnership, all those who want to apply for the scholarship program must be Italian-Americans living in the jurisdiction of the American state of New York.

Friday, 13 January 2012

Masonic crisis and scandal in Portugal. Freemasons are accused of controlling the national Parliament and the intelligence

A cardinal, intelligence directors, politicians and footballers are involved in the largest Masonic scandal in Portugal since the beginning of this decade. Quoting the Masonic Press Agency of Romania (APMR), the Masonic scandal that shook Portugal in the last week is looming ever larger.

The Portuguese central press went wild. Each day, each hour there are numerous reports, articles, declarations, "convictions" and so on regarding the most brutal Masonic scandal in the financial badly affected country of the Iberian Peninsula.

From the Regular Grand Lodge of Portugal to the Grand Orient or the recently founded Symbolic Grand Lodge of Portugal, they are all accused of a national conspiracy by using their Masonic connections in benefit of their own needs and interests. Speculations are made regarding the fact that almost all the Portuguese Parliament is led and influenced by Freemasonry, even the Portuguese intelligence. It all started from the Mozart Lodge #49, under the jurisdiction of the Regular Grand Lodge of Portugal.

Tuesday, 10 January 2012

Paraguayan Freemasons at the top of the world's largest hydroelectric

According to a governmental official document from Paraguay, members of the Centennial Symbolic Grand Lodge of Paraguay have been appointed to lead the world's largest hydroelectric, Itaipú Binacional.

Octavio Augusto AIRALDI (Worshipful Master), Efrain ENRIQUEZ GAMÓN (Master Mason) and Diego BERTOLUCCI VEGA (Past Grand Master) are the three Freemasons that will lead Paraguayan hydroelectric. The event took place on March 3rd, 2012, in the presence of several national authorities and of the Grand Master of that Grand Lodge, MW Carlos Alberto QUIÑONEZ.

Friday, 6 January 2012

Approaching Stifani's Masonic death: European Masonic tsunami reaches the African continent

As French Masonic opposition noted yesterday: "the winds of change are sweeping across the dark continent." And that refers to French Grand Master Stifani and his recognition as such. On a Romanian masonic diary publication the title sound a little bit more dramatic: European Masonic tsunami reaches the African continent.

Both are talking about an article appeared on Notre Guinee on 4 January 2012, mentioning that the Grand Secretary of the Regular Grand Lodge of the Moroccan Kingdom (Salah Cherradi) answered to Stifani's petition quite brutal: The RGLMK authorizes no person to speak on its behalf, any initiative in this direction would constitute a violation of its sovereignty.

As invited to talk about the African Freemasonry, Stifani asked the African Grand Lodges if they have any particular issue to be discussed and as Masonic French opposition stated yesterday, "The Central African Lodges have not even bothered to reply. Ephesse is persona non grata in a number of African presidential palaces where he was traditionally received with full honours."

Wednesday, 4 January 2012

Grand Master of Cuba outraged by the decision of U.S. officials

Regular Freemasonry in Cuba enters in the attention of the media after the Grand Lodge of Cuba's leaders have not received a visa to enter the United States. Both Grand Master and Grand Secretary were invited by the Grand Lodge of Florida to attend a Masonic meeting.

As shown in an article by José Pérez Gallo and quoted by the Masonic Press Agency of Romania (APMR), they were outraged by the decision of U.S. officials, not understanding why they are not allowed to enter Florida.

Monday, 2 January 2012

International Year of Masonic Lusophony

After a long absence from the Brazilian and Portuguese Masonic scene, Jornal Maçônico resumed its daily work. From 1 January 2012, APMR's Secretary-General decreed 2012 as the International Year of Masonic Lusophony.

APMR official agenda for 2012 will provide its Secretariat General with the necessary tools for the 2011 proposed enlargement and expansion in the African, European, Asian and South American Lusophone countries.

APMR Poll: 82% of respondents believe that the United States of Europe will be formed as the U.S.

According to a survey conducted by APMR on the "United States of Europe", 82% of respondents said they agree with the statement that "On the U.S. model will arise the United States of Europe". 9% did not agree, 6% answered that it is possible to accept the statement, and 1% said they did not know whether or not they agree with this statement.