Friday, 13 January 2012

Masonic crisis and scandal in Portugal. Freemasons are accused of controlling the national Parliament and the intelligence

A cardinal, intelligence directors, politicians and footballers are involved in the largest Masonic scandal in Portugal since the beginning of this decade. Quoting the Masonic Press Agency of Romania (APMR), the Masonic scandal that shook Portugal in the last week is looming ever larger.

The Portuguese central press went wild. Each day, each hour there are numerous reports, articles, declarations, "convictions" and so on regarding the most brutal Masonic scandal in the financial badly affected country of the Iberian Peninsula.

From the Regular Grand Lodge of Portugal to the Grand Orient or the recently founded Symbolic Grand Lodge of Portugal, they are all accused of a national conspiracy by using their Masonic connections in benefit of their own needs and interests. Speculations are made regarding the fact that almost all the Portuguese Parliament is led and influenced by Freemasonry, even the Portuguese intelligence. It all started from the Mozart Lodge #49, under the jurisdiction of the Regular Grand Lodge of Portugal.

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