Thursday, 5 April 2012

GLNF | France's Sovereign Grand Commander slams Stifani's reelection as Grand Master by the Sovereign Grand Committee

Yesterday the Supreme Council for Frances issued a Masonic document (SGC 2012-04-26) signed by Jean Luc Fauque, SGC and member of the United Grand Lodge of England. According to the mentioned document Fauque states:

"Loyal to its commitments the Supreme Council for France of Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite has closely followed the recent events within the French National Grand Lodge. François Stifani was appointed by the Sovereign Grand Committee as the candidate for Grand Master. Until this decision will not be ratified or rejected by the General Assembly on June 23, 2012, GLNF will not find the serenity needed for its spiritual works. Its future is uncertain and the necessary reforms are not implemented.

French justice and the Brothers of the Sovereign Grand Committee so decide and we must take note of it. Under these conditions, the process of withdrawal of recognition from foreign Grand Lodges can only accelerate and the French National Grand Lodge will probably be banned from regular recognized Freemasonry.


The project was finalized recently giving birth to the Grand Lodge French Masonic Alliance (GL-FMA) which will be consecrated by its founding Masonic Lodges on April 28. This fully sovereign Obedience will enable all members to practice the three regular symbolic degrees recognized in all the rites of Universal Freemasonry.

Created regularly and respecting the criteria of regular Freemasonry, the GL-FMA is a regular Masonic body. As such, it can legitimately request recognition of foreign regular Grand Lodges in the Masonic world of both hemispheres."

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