Thursday, 14 June 2012

Anxiety within the Grand Lodge of France

Out of nowhere the Basel Declaration provoked a shock within the Grand Lodge of France, especially because soon will be held the Annual Communication and will take place elections for the office of Grand Master. Alain-Noël Dubart will no longer lead GLdF and there is, until now, no prominent name to replace him. In the context of changes this year, the Grand Lodge of France does not know how to react after the Basel Declaration signed by five European Grand Lodges.

According to our sources in the GLdF, there is a small "commission" preparing to start negotiations but the problem seems to be the election of the new Grand Master and also it must be taken into account the position of the Supreme Council of France and the reactions of Brethren regarding a possible refusal.

Also we are waiting for an official reaction of the United Grand Lodge of England, Grand Lodge of Scotland and Grand Lodge of Ireland (to be released soon or in September?!). On the other hand GLdF foreign and European affairs could represent also a problem. The jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of the Philippines was invaded by a Grand Lodge recognized by GLdF, also GLdF recognizes a Grand Lodge in India, Paraguay, others in Africa and Europe, those from Europe composing the Confederation of United Grand Lodges of Europe (UGLE), leaded by a GLdF Past Grand Master.

There are issues pending the relation between the Supreme Council of France and the Supreme Council for France (US Southern Jurisdiction recognition), Supreme Council of Mexico (where SCF recognizes a Supreme Council) and so forth.

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