November 2012

Wednesday, 28 November 2012

APMR: Freemasons of Europe discussed with EU's leaders on the establishment of parameters for the society of tomorrow in Europe

According to the Masonic Press Agency (APMR), yesterday in the European Union's capital was held the traditional meeting of EU's leaders and Freemasonry's representatives of the Member States. On behalf of the EU participated José Manuel Durão Barroso (President of the European Commission), Herman van Rompuy (President of the European Council) and László SURJÁN (Vice-president of the European Parliament) and on behalf of the Craft attended: Grand Orient of Belgium, the United Grand Lodges of Germany, the Grand Orient of France, Droit Humain (Belgium, France and Spain), International Masonic Order DELPHI (Greece), Women's Grand Lodge of Belgium, Women's Grand Lodge of France, the Grand Orient of Hungary, the Grand Orient Lusitano (Portugal) and the Grand Lodge of Italy.

The leaders of the European Union and of the Craft discussed during the session on inter-generational solidarity and the establishment of parameters for the society of tomorrow in Europe.

 In his speech, Herman van Rompuy, President of the European Council said that he wanted to emphasize two principles underlying solidarity: the "European identity" and the "transmission" (to be read as perpetuation, propagation). Rompuy said Europe is based on four core values​​: Greece, Rome, Christianity and the Enlightenment, and that those form our identity. Also Mr. Rompuy stressed that "I have put the accent this morning on European identity, on Europe, for who the most essential value is the respect for each and every person, a respect resulting in equal rights for everyone, nondiscrimination in all its forms, as well as solidarity and brotherhood."

On the other side, the Vice-President of the European Parliament said that "In the European Parliament, we believe that intergenerational solidarity has helped citizens survive the recent crisis."

José Manuel Barroso, President of the European Commission, stated at the meeting the following: "Europe is built on solidarity, but this solidarity is challenged in the crisis. We therefore should spare no effort to work hand in hand and restore solidarity between nations, between states and within states, between the rich and the poor, the old and the young. Today's meeting is an important contribution to this aim and I am encouraged by the commitment shown by all participants."

Monday, 26 November 2012

Thursday, 15 November 2012

Tuesday, 13 November 2012

Monday, 12 November 2012

Another international scandal regarding the compatibility between Freemasonry and the Roman Catholic Church

UPDATE: After publishing this news with APMR's approval, we noted that there were to Brethren announcing the event regarding the papal appointment of Brother Bagnato but without mentioning the source. They have taken literally two paragraphs published by APMR and one even using the same title. Without written consent, APMR will proceed to legal actions according to the international laws of copyright.

Last month, APMR announced that the members of the Symbolic Grand Lodge of Paraguay inaugurated the first public Masonic monument in the country, at the entrance of the International Airport of Asuncion. Shortly after that several secular associations, revolted by the monument, condemned publicly the Craft and asked the College of Cardinals in Paraguay to react.

8 day ago APMR announced that during a show on UNICANAL the two Grand Masters of Paraguay debated the issue together with the representative of the secular association and posted the audio debate on its channel of YouTube in Spanish. Last weekend two other things happened: APMR announced that Pope Benedict XVI appointed a Freemason as member of the Vatican's Pontifical Academy of Sciences and took place the Plenary Assembly of the College of Cardinals of Paraguay.

During the second event, the Cardinals accorded that no Catholic may held membership in Freemasonry and in the Roman Catholic Church at the same time, being incompatible. On the other hand on one of the most popular Masonic forums in UK we noted a debate whether APMR's news is true or false. Contacted, APMR's Secretary-General stated that the news regarding Brother Vanderlei Bagnato was received from the Secretariat of Communication of the Grand Orient of Brazil and confirmed by the official news agency of the Holy See.

Wednesday, 7 November 2012

Sunday, 4 November 2012

Queen Silvia of Sweden attends the awards ceremony of the Masonic Foundation

In Stockholm, Sweden, on October 11, 2012 at the Palace of Bååtska, Her Majesty Queen Silvia of Sweden was received by the President of the Masonic Foundation, Stone Svensson, where HM was invited to personally offer 32 diplomas to the winners in pediatric research, reports the Masonic Press Agency (APMR).

Masonic Press Agency: Freemasons from around the world meet in India to talk debate on Universal Peacekeeping

The Grand Lodge of India will host the most important Masonic event of 2012: the XII World Conference of Regular Grand Lodges in Chennai Valley. According to APMR, dozens of delegates from around the world will gather in November to discuss on one of the most important current issues in the world: peacekeeping.

Given the situation that crosses the international community, members of the Craft will debate on the role of Freemasonry in Universal Peacekeeping.

The Grand Lodge of India is the largest Masonic organization of the largest continent on Earth: Asia. The same source affirms that during 22 to 25 November 2012 will take place also the 51st Grand Festival of the Grand Lodge of India.

Saturday, 3 November 2012

Message of Thomas Jackson, Executive Secretary on the occasion of the 12th World Conference of Regular Grand Lodges

My Brothers, it is once again my great privilege as Executive Secretary of the World Conference of Masonic Grand Lodges to invite you to journey to India. It has been 10 years ago in 2002 that I issued an invitation to attend the VI world conference held in New Delhi. This time I invite you to attend the XII World Conference to be held in Chennai. This is the first time that the conference has voted to meet in the same country where we met in the past.

The VI World Conference was a great success by any standard. The value of the discussions, the congeniality of the host jurisdiction, and the uniqueness of environment all contributed to making it a valuable and enjoyable conference for those grand officers from around the world who were present. India is a land of inimitable diversity with unique cultures that all too few have the opportunity to visit.

The World Conference is once again offering that opportunity to Freemasons to journey to this fascinating country under the auspices of Freemasonry. Looking back at my time spent at the VI World Conference remains one of the great and the moving experiences of my life. The accomplishments of the Grand Lodge of India are impressive considering the magnitude of the challenges they face. It is an educational experience just to see what can be done.

The Grand Lodge of India is again working diligently to make certain that everyone attending in Chennai will be well taken care of and that you will return home with lasting memories. In each of my trips to this country I have been greatly impressed with the unsurpassed hospitality shown to me by the people of India. This opportunity will never happen again for most of you.

The general theme for the conference is "The Role of Freemasonry in Universal Peacekeeping". This is a very broad and general theme allowing for diverse thinking and choice of papers.

I heard many expressions of regret from those who missed the last conference held here. I encourage you not to do the same. I look forward to seeing you in Chennai.

Sincere Fraternal Regards,

Thomas W. Jackson, RWPGS
Executive Secretary
World Conference of Masonic Grand Lodges