Friday, 28 December 2012

Dies Norman Schwarzkopf, commander of the first Gulf War

Brother Norman Schwarzkopf died on December 27, 2012, in Tampa, Florida, at age 78 due to complications from pneumonia. Schwarzkopf was a central pawn of the first Gulf War (1991) as its military commander. The American General born in 1934 in New Jersey took part in the Vietnam War and led Desert Storm operation.

After attending Valley Forge Military Academy, Schwarzkopf, an army brat, attended the United States Military Academy, where he graduated 43rd in his class in 1956 with a Bachelor of Science degree. He also attended the University of Southern California, where he received a Master of Science in mechanical engineering in 1964. His special field of study was guided missile engineering, a program that USC developed with the Army, which incorporated both aeronautical and mechanical training. He later attended the U.S. Army War College.

Thursday, 13 December 2012

GLNF's Jean Murat might join the United Grand Lodge of England

After years of struggle against Stifani's GLNF leadership, Jean Murat resigned from the French National Grand Lodge. 30 years as a prominent member of the former sole internationally recognized Grand Lodge in France, Jean Murat considers that nothing will change with Servel as Grand Master.

He might join the United Grand Lodge of England where he is a honorific member since 1988 or, maybe join one of the many recently Grand Lodges composed of GLNF Masonic Lodges.

Wednesday, 5 December 2012

François Stifani suspended from GLNF

APMR reports that Jean-Pierre Servel, the new Grand Master of GLNF decided on December 4, 2012, to suspend Past Grand Master François Stifani.  Stifani was suspended for unethical Masonic conduct, violation of fundamental rules, attempt against the Fundamental Principles of the Craft and attempting against the image and proper functioning of the French National Grand Lodge.

According to this decree, Stifani is forbidden to attend GLNF's Lodge meetings, the Annual Communication and Board of General Purposes.

Wednesday, 28 November 2012

APMR: Freemasons of Europe discussed with EU's leaders on the establishment of parameters for the society of tomorrow in Europe

According to the Masonic Press Agency (APMR), yesterday in the European Union's capital was held the traditional meeting of EU's leaders and Freemasonry's representatives of the Member States. On behalf of the EU participated José Manuel Durão Barroso (President of the European Commission), Herman van Rompuy (President of the European Council) and László SURJÁN (Vice-president of the European Parliament) and on behalf of the Craft attended: Grand Orient of Belgium, the United Grand Lodges of Germany, the Grand Orient of France, Droit Humain (Belgium, France and Spain), International Masonic Order DELPHI (Greece), Women's Grand Lodge of Belgium, Women's Grand Lodge of France, the Grand Orient of Hungary, the Grand Orient Lusitano (Portugal) and the Grand Lodge of Italy.

The leaders of the European Union and of the Craft discussed during the session on inter-generational solidarity and the establishment of parameters for the society of tomorrow in Europe.

 In his speech, Herman van Rompuy, President of the European Council said that he wanted to emphasize two principles underlying solidarity: the "European identity" and the "transmission" (to be read as perpetuation, propagation). Rompuy said Europe is based on four core values​​: Greece, Rome, Christianity and the Enlightenment, and that those form our identity. Also Mr. Rompuy stressed that "I have put the accent this morning on European identity, on Europe, for who the most essential value is the respect for each and every person, a respect resulting in equal rights for everyone, nondiscrimination in all its forms, as well as solidarity and brotherhood."

On the other side, the Vice-President of the European Parliament said that "In the European Parliament, we believe that intergenerational solidarity has helped citizens survive the recent crisis."

José Manuel Barroso, President of the European Commission, stated at the meeting the following: "Europe is built on solidarity, but this solidarity is challenged in the crisis. We therefore should spare no effort to work hand in hand and restore solidarity between nations, between states and within states, between the rich and the poor, the old and the young. Today's meeting is an important contribution to this aim and I am encouraged by the commitment shown by all participants."

Tuesday, 13 November 2012

Freemasons at Lord Mayors parade

According to the Provincial Grand Lodge of Hampshire and Isle of Wight, on Saturday 10 November 2012, the Metropolitan Grand Lodge and Grand Chapter of London (both under the English Constitution) were represented at the Lord Mayors parade.

Monday, 12 November 2012

Another international scandal regarding the compatibility between Freemasonry and the Roman Catholic Church

UPDATE: After publishing this news with APMR's approval, we noted that there were to Brethren announcing the event regarding the papal appointment of Brother Bagnato but without mentioning the source. They have taken literally two paragraphs published by APMR and one even using the same title. Without written consent, APMR will proceed to legal actions according to the international laws of copyright.

Last month, APMR announced that the members of the Symbolic Grand Lodge of Paraguay inaugurated the first public Masonic monument in the country, at the entrance of the International Airport of Asuncion. Shortly after that several secular associations, revolted by the monument, condemned publicly the Craft and asked the College of Cardinals in Paraguay to react.

8 day ago APMR announced that during a show on UNICANAL the two Grand Masters of Paraguay debated the issue together with the representative of the secular association and posted the audio debate on its channel of YouTube in Spanish. Last weekend two other things happened: APMR announced that Pope Benedict XVI appointed a Freemason as member of the Vatican's Pontifical Academy of Sciences and took place the Plenary Assembly of the College of Cardinals of Paraguay.

During the second event, the Cardinals accorded that no Catholic may held membership in Freemasonry and in the Roman Catholic Church at the same time, being incompatible. On the other hand on one of the most popular Masonic forums in UK we noted a debate whether APMR's news is true or false. Contacted, APMR's Secretary-General stated that the news regarding Brother Vanderlei Bagnato was received from the Secretariat of Communication of the Grand Orient of Brazil and confirmed by the official news agency of the Holy See.

Sunday, 4 November 2012

Queen Silvia of Sweden attends the awards ceremony of the Masonic Foundation

In Stockholm, Sweden, on October 11, 2012 at the Palace of Bååtska, Her Majesty Queen Silvia of Sweden was received by the President of the Masonic Foundation, Stone Svensson, where HM was invited to personally offer 32 diplomas to the winners in pediatric research, reports the Masonic Press Agency (APMR).

Masonic Press Agency: Freemasons from around the world meet in India to talk debate on Universal Peacekeeping

The Grand Lodge of India will host the most important Masonic event of 2012: the XII World Conference of Regular Grand Lodges in Chennai Valley. According to APMR, dozens of delegates from around the world will gather in November to discuss on one of the most important current issues in the world: peacekeeping.

Given the situation that crosses the international community, members of the Craft will debate on the role of Freemasonry in Universal Peacekeeping.

The Grand Lodge of India is the largest Masonic organization of the largest continent on Earth: Asia. The same source affirms that during 22 to 25 November 2012 will take place also the 51st Grand Festival of the Grand Lodge of India.

Saturday, 3 November 2012

Message of Thomas Jackson, Executive Secretary on the occasion of the 12th World Conference of Regular Grand Lodges

My Brothers, it is once again my great privilege as Executive Secretary of the World Conference of Masonic Grand Lodges to invite you to journey to India. It has been 10 years ago in 2002 that I issued an invitation to attend the VI world conference held in New Delhi. This time I invite you to attend the XII World Conference to be held in Chennai. This is the first time that the conference has voted to meet in the same country where we met in the past.

The VI World Conference was a great success by any standard. The value of the discussions, the congeniality of the host jurisdiction, and the uniqueness of environment all contributed to making it a valuable and enjoyable conference for those grand officers from around the world who were present. India is a land of inimitable diversity with unique cultures that all too few have the opportunity to visit.

The World Conference is once again offering that opportunity to Freemasons to journey to this fascinating country under the auspices of Freemasonry. Looking back at my time spent at the VI World Conference remains one of the great and the moving experiences of my life. The accomplishments of the Grand Lodge of India are impressive considering the magnitude of the challenges they face. It is an educational experience just to see what can be done.

The Grand Lodge of India is again working diligently to make certain that everyone attending in Chennai will be well taken care of and that you will return home with lasting memories. In each of my trips to this country I have been greatly impressed with the unsurpassed hospitality shown to me by the people of India. This opportunity will never happen again for most of you.

The general theme for the conference is "The Role of Freemasonry in Universal Peacekeeping". This is a very broad and general theme allowing for diverse thinking and choice of papers.

I heard many expressions of regret from those who missed the last conference held here. I encourage you not to do the same. I look forward to seeing you in Chennai.

Sincere Fraternal Regards,

Thomas W. Jackson, RWPGS
Executive Secretary
World Conference of Masonic Grand Lodges


Monday, 29 October 2012

APMR to debate on publishing sensitive information and documents within its archives

On 31 October 2012 the Founder the Masonic Press Agency asked APMR's Secretary-General to convoke an extraordinary session and to debate on publishing APMR's sensitive information and documents within its archives which until now remained secure within APMR.

For about 11 hours there will be held discussions regarding those documents and correspondence according to the special clause of APMR's Strategy Charter and Constitution. SeCTI (Secretariat of Communications Technology and Informatics) informed today that a final statement on this extraordinary session will be issued in November or December this year.

Friday, 26 October 2012

Masonic Press Agency: A Masonic document signed by Garibaldi confirms the presence of women in Freemasonry

According to the Masonic Press Agency of Romania (APMR), the document will be presented for the first time to the public on Saturday at the Masonic Hall of Cosenza. It is a rare historical document, signed by Garibaldi and referring to the initiation of women into Freemasonry in 1867.

Thursday, 4 October 2012

A new Supreme Council was established in Portugal

On 29 September 2012 took place the ceremony of consecration of a new Supreme Council in Portugal. Past Grand Master of the Traditional Grand Lodge of Portugal, Mario Parra da Silva was installed in as Sovereign Grand Commander, and he will lead the first Mixed Supreme Council in Portugal.

The Charter (Patent) was issued by Roberto Luongo, Sovereign Grand Commander of the C.A.M.E.A. Supreme Council of Italy, after a long process that began in 2004. According to the press release, this event had the support of other Supreme Councils of Europe. The ceremony took place in GLTP's Grand Temple in Lisbon..

Tuesday, 2 October 2012

The Grand Master of the United Grand Lodge of England visited today the Masonic Hall in Carlisle

His Royal Highness The Duke of Kent (Grand Master of the United Grand Lodge of England) visited today Carlisle Castle where he toured the ramparts of the castle and also the Regimental Museum and Trinity School.

The Grand Master also paid a visit to the Masonic Hall in Carlisle (10 Portland Square).

Monday, 1 October 2012

Masonic Press Agency: 51st Anniversary of the Supreme Council of Nicaragua

The Masonic Press Agency of Romania reports that today marks 51 years since the founding of the Supreme Council of Sovereign Grand Inspectors of the 33rd Degree of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of the Masonic Jurisdiction for the Republic of Nicaragua, the supreme AASR body led by Grand Commander Noel Jesús Jarquin Moran, 33º.

The 335th Communication of the American Lodge of Research

The Communication will be held in the Colonial Room, 10th Floor, at the Masonic Hall of New York. Also during the event (Monday, October 29, 2012) will take place Conor Moran's presentation, "Freemasonry and the Holocaust".

APMR decreed three days of mourning

The Masonic Press Agency of Romania decreed three days of mourning. The decree takes effect from 1 October until 3 October 2012.

Saturday, 29 September 2012

Samir Bichara, the Brazilian who became Worshipful Master of one of the oldest Masonic Lodges in the United States of America

A couple of weeks ago, American Freemasonry celebrated a rather unusual event: a Brazilian was elected Worshipful Master of the third most oldest Masonic Lodges in the United States of America. The Massachusetts Lodge of the Valley of Boston was founded in 1770, being one of the oldest Masonic Lodges in the Western Hemisphere and the U.S..

Samir Bichara, who held the dignity of Senior Warden of the Lodge in the previous term, is a native of Barra do Pirai - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Brother Samir lives in the U.S. since 1998, and in 2006 he began his Masonic journey. His Masonic Lodge counts with almost 200 Brethren, of which only three are of Brazilian origin. Samir's father was twice elected as Worshipful Master and now held the office of Secretary of his Lodge in the Valley of Barra do Piarai.

Friday, 28 September 2012

Freemasons gather in Paraguay to debate on the future of Latin American Freemasonry

It was reported by APMR that in two weeks from now leaders of the 6th Zone of the Inter-American Masonic Confederation will gather in Paraguay's capital city of Asuncion to held talk on the future of Latin American freemasonry and to discuss about Women in Freemasonry.

The Masonic Press Agency encourages participation in this event since the topics discussed are part of a necessary process of Freemasonry, namely the adaptation of Order to the 21st century society.

Sunday, 23 September 2012

John F. Lowe was installed Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of California

During the 163th Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge of California, event held at the Masonic Temple of San Francisco, Most Worshipful Brother John F. Lowe was installed Grand Master of the Grand Lodge.

APMR: AASR Supreme Council to analyze the role of women in Freemasonry

The Supreme Council for Spain will hold from 9 to 10 November 2012 its Annual Communication during which will examine the role of women in Masonic Lodges. At the conference held on the subject will attend 10 Supreme Councils of the world.

APMR also reported that regarding the Feminine Freemasonry Jesús Soriano Carrillo stated that there is a Feminine Grand Lodge in Spain and even a Council Supreme. Moreover, he believes that the organization of women works even better than that of men because women are more meticulous.

European Masonic Meeting schedule

Friday 26 October 2012

14:00 : Registration at the Hotel
18:00 : Welcome to Paphos: Informal welcome drinks for Brethren and Ladies in the Hotel
19:30 : Traditional Cyprus Dinner

Saturday 27 October 2012

10:00 : The official European Masonic Meeting. Ritual Lodge Meeting
10:30 : Program for Ladies/ Families "Paphos city"
13:00 : Luncheon for Brethren and Ladies
16:00 : Visiting monuments, mosaics, harbor of Paphos
19:30 : Gala Dinner for Brethren and Ladies

Sunday 28 October 2012

09:00 : Farewell Branch

Please Note: Durring the Paphos EMM, there will be a selection of the Lodge that will host the 2014 EMM.

The 2012 European Masonic Meeting will be held in Paphos, Cyprus

It is the Respectable Lodge "La Chaine d'Union Europeenne 183" in the Orient of Longwy (France) particularly its Honourable Master at the time, Brother Eric Tedeschi who began this annual meeting, the objective of which is to create a Regular European Fraternity with the transfer from Lodge to Lodge of an object symbolizing this European Masonic Union. It is in this manner which a Europe's Regular Lodge can organize once a year the Meeting where the majority of Brothers from all over Europe come to meet and in this manner they form all together the Union's chain.

A stone encircled with links symbolizing the workshops' organizers of each meeting, goes from Lodge to Lodge so they can add their own link. The first meeting took place at LONGWY on 26 May 2003. Subsequent Meetings were organised by the following Lodges:

In 2004 was organized by the R. Lodge "SAINT JEAN DE LUMIERE" at the Orient of ARLON (Belgium).

In 2005 was organized by the R. Lodge "MATTEO ALBERTI" at the Orient of BERGISCH-GLADBACH/COLONIA (Germany).

In 2006 was organized by the R. Lodge of "LUXEMBOURG" (Luxemburg).

In 2007 was organized by the R. Lodge "MEUSE ARGONNE" in the Orient of SAVERNE (France).

In 2008 was organized by the R. Lodge of "ZU DEN DREI WELTKUGELN" in the Orient of BERLIN (Germany).

In 2009, was organized by the R. Lodge of "CARLEMANY" No.3 Lodge of Andorra's Orient in the Principality of Andorra.

In 2010, was organized by the R. Lodge of "Oscar til den kronede Bog" to St. John in Larvik, Norway.

In 2011, was organized by the R. Lodge of "TRADIOZIONE E FUTURO" No.1274 in the Orient of MONTECATINI TERME (Italy).

In 2012, the Lodge "KINYRAS" in Pafos, Cyprus has the honour of inviting you to the 10th European Masonic Meeting.

History of Kinyras Lodge #3 from Cyprus

Kinyras Lodge was consecrated in the town of Paphos, on 21 April 1923. The Lodge was consecrated under the jurisdiction of the Grand Orient of Greece.The first Worshipful Master was bro Zafirios Malamatenios who was installed by Past W.M. Christoforos Tornaritis under the powers vested in him by the Grand Orient of Greece. The name "Kinyras" had been chosen by the founding brethren originating from ancient mysteries. Kinyras was the first high priest of the temple of Aprhodite and a great Mystic. He was also the mythical king of Cyprus at its capital city of Paphos. He had introduced the worshipping of Adonis and the ceremonies were similar to Egyptian, Phoenician and Masonic rituals.

The first meeting of the lodge took place on 10 June 1923 and until 1931 had produced substantial work including the establishment of the Night School for under privileged students and was also providing free lunches twice weekly for the students. The lodge was originally held on a building provided by bro Pavlos Kythreotis free of charge until 1966 when the lodge acquired its own premises at 5 Ermou Street in Paphos.

From 1931 the lodge was inactive due to restrictions imposed by the Colonial rule and was re-activated in 1937 and the lodge work was suspended by the government again from 1954 to1959 during the liberation struggle. An earthquake in 1996 incurred major damages to the building. Currently, the Lodge is very active, with growing numbers of brothers, producing substantial spiritual and humanitarian work.

History of the Grand Lodge of Cyprus

There are indications of Masons being present in Cyprus, dating all the way back to the 18th century and initially limited to Larnaca, where the port and the consulates of the island used to be situated. Masonry in Cyprus is first mentioned in a document of 1751 and again in an 1817 circular of the Archbishop, wherein it is condemned. Masonic presence on the island is also documented by the existence of 19th century graves bearing Masonic Marks, which can still be found within the enclosure of the Church of Ayios Lazarus.

There is conjecture that the Brothers in Larnaca were so few, in those times, that to convene in quorum they had to wait for ships to arrive which had Masons as crewmembers. After the events of 1821 and the active participation of Cypriot Masons in the Greek Revolution, no other mention is made and unfortunately no other records exist, other than those aforementioned.

Many Cypriots studying abroad and particularly in Athens, were initiated into Masonry, but on returning home they had no possibility to join established Lodges or even to create new ones. One of these young men was Dr. Ioannis Karageorgiades, who had been initiated in a Greel Lodge of Athens, in 1865. After the British purchase of Cyprus, in 1878, and the foundation of the "St Paul" Lodge in 1888 (the first Lodge under the auspices of the United Grand Lodge of England in Cyprus), Bro Karageorgiades joined it. Subsequently, in 1893 and aided by both English and Greek Brothers, he founded "Zenon" Lodge, the first Greek speaking Lodge under the auspices of the Grand Lodge of Greece. As the years passed, the establishment of Greek speaking Lodges in Larnaca, Nicosia, Pafos and Famagusta, followed this.

According to international Masonic convention, each independent state can have a Grand Lodge, under the auspices of Greek Cypriot Masons could have legitimately established their own Grand Lodge, for many years they did not do so, due mainly to sentimental reasons of not wanting to sever ties with the Grand Lodge of Greece. After much debate about going forward with such an endeavour or not and many efforts, the Cypriot Masons convened in a Plenary Assembly, on the 4th December 2005 and took the historic decision, by a vast majority.

The founding Members of the new Grand Lodge were the following Lodges, all, until then, under the auspices of the Grand Lodge of Greece:

KIMON Lodge, Larnaca, Founded in 1918
SOLON Lodge, Nicosia, Founded in 1921
KINYRAS Lodge, Pafos, Founded in 1923
EVAGORAS Lodge, Famagusta, Founded in 1928
ADONIS Lodge, Nicosia, Founded in 1961
KOINON KYPRION Lodge, Nicosia, Founded in 1977

ZENON Lodge of Limassol and PHOENIX Lodge of Nicosia, for their own reasons, decided not to follow the others but instead to join the District Grand Lodge of Cyprus, under the United Grand Lodge of England.

Thursday, 13 September 2012

ExCeL London (Exhibition Centre London) to host the 2017 300th anniversary of the United Grand Lodge of England

As stated by The MW The Pro Grand Master Peter Lowndes at yesterday's Quarterly Communication, ExCeL London (Exhibition Centre London) will host in 2017 the 300th anniversary of the United Grand Lodge of England (UGLE).

According to Brother Lowndes, "This is one of the few locations in the Country that has the necessary capacity and infrastructure to properly enable us to celebrate this once in a lifetime momentous event."

ExCeL Exhibition Centre is an exhibitions and conference centre in the London Borough of Newham, England. It is located on a site on the northern quay of the Royal Victoria Dock in London Docklands, between Canary Wharf and London City Airport. For the 2012 Summer Olympics, ExCeL London had been divided into five sports halls with capacities ranging from 6,000 to 10,000 that were used for boxing, fencing, judo, taekwondo, table tennis, weightlifting, and wrestling.

UGLE ends relations with GLNF

The United Grand Lodge of England (UGLE) finally broke relations with the French National Grand Lodge (GLNF). More information soon...


The event will be held on Saturday, October 27th, in the Deike Auditorium of the Masonic Cultural Center on the campus of Masonic Village in Elizabethtown, Pennsylvania. Registration will open at 8:30 AM with the program beginning at 9:30 AM. A lunch (voluntary contribution) will be served at noon and the program will be completed by 3:00 PM.


Brother Alton G. Roundtree, Past Master of Redemption Lodge No. 24 PHA (District of Columbia) and coauthor of Out of the Shadows: The Emergence of Prince Hall Freemasonry in America.

Brother Andrew Hammer, Past Master of Alexandria-Washington Lodge No. 22 (Virginia) and author of Observing the Craft: The Pursuit of Excellence in Masonic Labour and Observance.

Pre-registration is required. To pre-register simply e-mail Brother Shawn D'Ignazio at with your name, address, Lodge number, and telephone. If you pre-register and subsequently determine that you will be unable to attend, please notify Brother D'Ignazio so that he can adjust the luncheon count.

Sunday, 9 September 2012

The Grand Lodge of Chile wants to lead discussions for a new Constitution of the Republic

According to a European Masonic source, with public meticulous techniques, almost unique in the first part of this century, the Grand Lodge of Chile became the engine and center of discussions, debates, initiatives etc., in terms of educational policy, social policy and even foreign affairs policy of the its own country. Since being installed, the former Rector of the University of Santiago de Chile became the locomotive of changes that began to reshape social and political life of the Republic of Chile, including its foreign affairs.

During a public discourse the Grand Master stated that "it is in our interest to conduct a proposal for a new constitution." He also said that the Grand Lodge is currently working to convene a Constituent Assembly and called for a plebiscite in this regard, warning that the country is likely to have some more confrontation and intolerance.

He said that Freemasons in Chile hold important positions in the country's political and financial executive offices and that they play an active role in the institutional changes in the country.

Asked about women and homosexuals joining Freemasonry, Grand Master Riveros Cornejo replied that women have their own organization and that it is following the same directions as the Grand Lodge of Chile and that regarding homosexuals stated that they have the right and that is no impediment. However he wanted to assert the existence of mixed Grand Lodges, but that time has not yet come; and maybe "in the future things may chance (...)".

The fact that "Freemasonry tends towards progressive ideals of the left, not right," Riveros Cornejo said that all these things are no longer relevant. In the same vein, given the acute crisis of state institutions and political parties in Chile, the Grand Master emphasized that the Grand Lodge plays a role in improving the country's actual situation, showing that even the President and the President of the Senate have acknowledged the important role played by Freemasonry. What he wanted to point, in fact, was that "we are determined to influence more decisions."

Finally motivated one of his first statements on the Constituent Assembly, saying that it must be made by the Grand Lodge because it is better to have a Masonic proposal and that this must not be delivered by any of Chile's political parties.

Wednesday, 5 September 2012

The Indiana Grand Lodge Scholarship program has provided nearly $500,000 each year for the past several years

According to the Grand Lodge of Indiana, in the fall, Lodges will begin to encourage members to alert schools and students of the availability of the Grand Lodge scholarships. Even though the school year has just begun, it is not too early to begin the process.

Those eligible to receive a Grand Lodge Scholarship are the sons, daughters, adopted sons or daughters, stepsons or stepdaughters of Master Masons in good standing. Since 2003, Master Masons under the age of 25 are able to apply under their own membership if their father is not a Master Mason.

Shock among Brethren in Portugal

APMR reports that a total of 1.438 names of Brethren members in Masonic Lodges belonging to the Grand Orient were published on the internet. This events aims to deepen the Masonic crisis in which the Masonic community of Portugal was thrown a few months ago after the public scandal between politicians, media and the two most important Masonic organizations in the country: the Grand Orient and the Grand Lodge.

GOL's Past Grand Master, Antonio Reis stated that the unprecedented leak of information will cause a great panic among Brethren. He thinks that we might be talking about a leak from the IT systems of the organization.

Tuesday, 4 September 2012

The Argentine Scottish Rite Supreme Council awards Santiago Kovadloff with its Golden medal

The biggest Masonic Temple in Buenos Aires hosted a special ceremony where Santiago Kovadloff was awarded the Golden Medal of the Supreme Council of Argentina In a ceremony presided by MWGM Angel Jorge Clavero, Kovadloff received the highest Masonic honour in recognition for his work as poet.

Tuesday, 28 August 2012

Grand Lodge of Angola

According to an internal report of APMR's Secretary-General we find out that Angola is preparing for its first Grand Lodge. "We already know that in Angola there are four Lodges which consists of about 150 Brethren," stated APMR's Secretary-General for the Brazilian Masonic on-line publication Jornal Maçônico today.

The report of internal use and analysis for APMR speaks about the intention of the Regular Grand Lodge of Portugal to implement Grand Lodges in all former colonies, now sovereign states speaking Portuguese. All these Grand Lodges will integrate in the future the Lusophone Masonic Regular Confederation. The same source reports that there are Lodges working in Cape Verde (2), in São Tomé and Principe (1) and Guinea-Bissau (1).

Monday, 27 August 2012

Among Brethren | Statement by the President on the Passing of Neil Armstrong

Michelle and I were deeply saddened to hear about the passing of Neil Armstrong.

Neil was among the greatest of American heroes - not just of his time, but of all time. When he and his fellow crew members lifted off aboard Apollo 11 in 1969, they carried with them the aspirations of an entire nation. They set out to show the world that the American spirit can see beyond what seems unimaginable - that with enough drive and ingenuity, anything is possible. And when Neil stepped foot on the surface of the moon for the first time, he delivered a moment of human achievement that will never be forgotten.

Today, Neil's spirit of discovery lives on in all the men and women who have devoted their lives to exploring the unknown - including those who are ensuring that we reach higher and go further in space. That legacy will endure - sparked by a man who taught us the enormous power of one small step.

Friday, 24 August 2012

Freemason, Knight Templar or just a mass-murderer, Anders Behring Breivik will serve at least 21 years in prison

The already former member of the Grand Lodge of Norway, Anders Behring Breivik, who killed 77 people in two attacks in Norway last year, is sane and will serve at least 21 years in prison. Breivik carried out the meticulously planned attack in July 2011 and he accused the Labour Party in Norway of promoting multiculturalism and endangering Norway's identity.

Monday, 20 August 2012

Weekly special reports on the latest news regarding the Masonic life in India

Strengthening our partnership with APMR and at the proposal of APMR's Secretary-General, starting with this week Masonic Times will dedicate periodically special reports on the latest news from India. According to APMR, India hosts the largest Masonic community in Asia, being constituted as the Grand Lodge of India which recently celebrated half of century since its founding.

This new program starts this week continuing the strategic partnership with APMR. The program will last until June 2013 after which will be analyzed and if positive will continue. The partnership aims to bring APMR's international contribution in promoting worldwide India's daily Masonic activity and will have the same framework as that used by APMR for the Grand Masonic Jurisdiction of Brazil.

Sir Knight David Dixon Goodwin was installed as the Most Eminent Grand Master of the Grand Encampment of Knights Templar

Sir Knight David Dixon Goodwin was installed as the Most Eminent Grand Master of the Grand Encampment of Knights Templar on August 15, 2012, at the 65th Triennial Conclave held in Alexandria, VA. He was also elected President of the Knights Templar Eye Foundation, Inc., according to the official website.

David Dixon Goodwin was born on August 15, 1949, in Johnson City, New York and graduated from Union University, Albany (NY) College of Pharmacy in 1972 with a B.S. in Pharmacy. He married Marci Lynn Sternberg on July 15, 1979. They have two daughters, Jennifer and Samantha.

Brother Goodwin was raised a Master Mason in Binghamton Lodge #177, F&AM, Binghamton, NY, in September of 1977. He served through the line as was elected Master in 1982. He served as a director and president of the Masonic Youth Foundation of New York. He was commissioned as the Grand Representative of the Grand Lodge of Austria near the Grand Lodge of New York in September of 2000.

Saturday, 18 August 2012

Masonic Times on Facebook

From now on you can follow us also on the biggest social media: Facebook.

Go there and give us a LIKE!

Monday, 13 August 2012

Sovereign Grand Lodge of Corsica seeking recognition

Another product of the GLNF Masonic scandal, the Sovereign Grand Lodge of Corsica seeks recognition from the Grand Lodges abroad. We must remember the fact that already the Grand Lodge of Tahiti received recognition from some American Grand Lodges.

Composed of 4 Masonic Lodges, SGLC was founded on March 7th, 2012, and has around 100 Master Masons.

Grand Master of Albania paid an official visit to Italy

The young Grand Master of Albania, Brother Elton Çaçi, paid an official visit to Livorno, Italy, where he was greeted by the Deputy Grand Master RW Brother Massimo Bianchi (Grand Orient of Italy). During his stay he visited Adriano Lemmi Lodge #704.

Conference of Grand Secretaries and Chancellors of Europe

According to an information emitted by APMR today and citing the Grand Secretary of the Grand Lodge of Scotland, during 12 to 14 October 2012 will be held the Conference of the Grand Secretaries and Chancellors of Europe, event organized this year by the Grand Lodge of Scotland in Edinburgh.

Friday, 27 July 2012

Freemasons at the 2012 Olympics

Freemasons from around the world will attend the 2012 Olympics starting with 27 July 2012 and until August. This year's event is hosted by the United Kingdom in London and will be one of the most glamorous Olympic Games ever to be organized.

Most of the Freemasons attending the events are from UK and US and also most of the athletes (Fellows of the Craft) are from the same countries but also from Australia, Canada, New Zealand, France, Romania, Brazil etc., reports APMR in today's briefing on the 2012 Olympics.

Thursday, 19 July 2012

Annual Meeting of the Three Californias

Today starts the most important Californian Masonic event. The tripartite meeting has become a symbol of unity of all Californian Freemasons of Mexican and U.S. origin alike, informs the Secretary-General of the Masonic Press Agency of Romania (APMR).

The meeting will be held for three days in the Mexican state of Baja California Sur, attended the Grand Lodge of Baja California Sur (Mexico), Grand Lodge of Baja California (Mexico) and by the Grand Lodge of California (USA).

Anxiety within the Grand Lodge of France

Out of nowhere the Basel Declaration provoked a shock within the Grand Lodge of France, especially because soon will be held the Annual Communication and will take place elections for the office of Grand Master. Alain-Noël Dubart will no longer lead GLdF and there is, until now, no prominent name to replace him. In the context of changes this year, the Grand Lodge of France does not know how to react after the Basel Declaration signed by five European Grand Lodges.

According to our sources in the GLdF, there is a small "commission" preparing to start negotiations but the problem seems to be the election of the new Grand Master and also it must be taken into account the position of the Supreme Council of France and the reactions of Brethren regarding a possible refusal.

Also we are waiting for an official reaction of the United Grand Lodge of England, Grand Lodge of Scotland and Grand Lodge of Ireland (to be released soon or in September?!). On the other hand GLdF foreign and European affairs could represent also a problem. The jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of the Philippines was invaded by a Grand Lodge recognized by GLdF, also GLdF recognizes a Grand Lodge in India, Paraguay, others in Africa and Europe, those from Europe composing the Confederation of United Grand Lodges of Europe (UGLE), leaded by a GLdF Past Grand Master.

There are issues pending the relation between the Supreme Council of France and the Supreme Council for France (US Southern Jurisdiction recognition), Supreme Council of Mexico (where SCF recognizes a Supreme Council) and so forth.

Monday, 11 June 2012

Will Austria, Belgium, Switzerland, Germany and Luxembourg recognize the Grand Lodge of France as regular?

Without any doubt, the regular Grand Lodges of five European countries rethink their Masonic policies regarding France. GLNF is no more recognized as the sole regular Grand Lodge in France and not even as a regular Grand Lodge.

According to the Declaration of Basel (adopted yesterday by five European Grand Masters), the Grand Lodge of France (GLdF) might be the next Grand Lodge to be recognized as regular in the French Republic. We stress that GLdF was recognized as regular long before GLNF.

The conditions to start negotiations with the GLdF are the following: to continue to work in accordance with the fundamental principles of regular Freemasonry; to sever unambiguously remaining links with irregular Obediences; to respect the international customs and traditions governing the relation between a Grand Lodge and a Supreme Council.

Therefore GLdF must (if interested) rethink its masonic strategies not only in France but also abroad. This might be understood as the fall of the Confederation of the United Grand Lodges of Europe, ending relations with the Grand Orient of France, Feminine Grand Lodge of France, Droit Humain, Traditional and Symbolic Grand Lodge "Opera" and so on.

Sunday, 10 June 2012

Deputy Grand Master of the National Grand Lodge of Romania resigns

In each country there are controversies regarding the titles and charges given to various Brethren after supporting a Grand Master. The long standing controversy regarding the Romanian Masonic panorama reaches once again a new level.

After two years the Deputy Grand Master resigned and he announced it via his Facebook account, with the title "A requested resignation." RW C. Vișoianu said that: "Today I have shown weakness. Due to problems including personal harassment I succumbed to the pressures of my colleagues from the Grand Council of the National Grand Lodge of Romania of the last months and I was asked to resign. Otherwise we are to be exposed to a public scandal that involves the judgment under Masonic customs."

The Deputy Grand Master continues by saying the following: "Out of respect for my Brethren who elected me to guide them in their work by investing me in the position of Deputy Grand Master, today, June 6th, 2012, I want to communicate you just a few things (...)."

One of the three things stated by NGLR's Deputy Grand Master is the following: "I will use the public communication channels, diplomatically and discreet as possible, but out of respect for truth - even if only my truth, because my access to the internal channels of communication in the organization was banned for nearly a year."

Ending his post on Facebook, RW Deputy Grand Master sends a message to his Brethren: "My dears, thank you for your trust and love and I hope to be understood and forgiven at this point in which I have not found the patience and strength to face these challenges."

Friday, 8 June 2012

Sir Alf Ramsey’s Masonic apron to be exposed on July 2nd, 2012

The Masonic Press Agency of Romania announces that English Freemasons will organize a Masonic exhibition through which they will bring tribute to all Freemasons and their sporting achievements. The event hosted by the Library and Museum of Freemasonry will begin on July 2nd, 2012, ending in December this year. Sir Alf Ramsey’s Masonic apron will be exposed on July 2nd.

The United Kingdom is hosting this year the 2012 edition of the Olympic Games in London. Therefore the initiative of UGLE's Brethren is welcomed not only by Freemasons but also for all those attending the Olympic Games.

Mexican Freemasons demand to Felipe Calderón a Law regarding the protection of journalists

Protecting journalists, the guarantors of the exercise of freedom of expression in Mexico. This is what the Federation of Mexican Lodges demand from Felipe Calderón Hinojosa.

photo: APMR

Jaime Chalita Zarur, President of the Federation of Mexican Lodges, lamented the existence of legal immunity for politicians linked to organized crime and corruption, as it freezes on the desk of President Felipe Calderón, a law passed by the Congress that seeks to protect reporters.

Wednesday, 6 June 2012

Masonic Times welcomes from now on your comments

Since today, Masonic Times welcomes any comments, opinion and ideas regarding each article posted. We wish to express our gratitude to all those using a proper language by not using and extremist personal, religious, political etc., vocabulary.

Monday, 4 June 2012

APMR's Secretary-General attended Saturday the book launch of the President of the International Academy of the Illuminati

The event took place at noon (June 2, 2012) at Bookfest. With the title "Human knowledge. The physics of sociology and religion," the book brings to public attention the issues that led to the current skid control system of the world, and provides a perspective on the future regarding the global organization. The event was attended by various Freemasons from Romania, including APMR's Secretary-General and Founder, journalists, authorities etc.


Most Worshipful Brother Giuliano di Bernardo is Past Grand Master of the Regular Grand Lodge of Italy and President of the International Academy of the Illuminati in Rome. He was the one that after the end of the Romanian communist era brought Light to Romanian Freemasonry, leading to the establishment of the National Grand Lodge of Romania. An enlightened mind and a benchmark of World Freemasonry, Di Bernardo is closely related to the recent history of Romania and Romanian Freemasonry.

Freemasons in Masonic march and honoring the national flag of Peru

Freemasons of the Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of Peru participated at a Masonic march and honored their national flag. They met in the Plaza de la Bandera, within the limits of Pueblo Libre and Brena headed by MWGM Hildebrando Eli Machuca.

Monday, 28 May 2012

Freemasons’ Hall to host this year's Professional Jeweller Hot 100

One of Freemasonry's most emblematic contemporary building, Freemasons’ Hall in London’s Great Queen Street will host this year's (2012) Professional Jeweller Hot 100. The event will take place on September 4th, 2012.

Sunday, 27 May 2012

Celebrating the 130th anniversary of the Ancient and Primitive Rite of Memphis-Misraim in Romania

APMR informs that in June 2012 the Ancient and Primitive Rite of Memphis-Misraim in Romania will celebrate 130 years of institutionalized activity. According to Jurnal Maosnic's edition of 27 May 2012, the presence of Ancient and Primitive Rite of Memphis and Misraim in Romania has lengthy history. Prince Constantin Moruzzi of Moldavia visited in the nineteenth century Constantinople where he and his courtiers were initiated in the Rite of Memphis.

Thus, the first Lodge of Memphis was consecrated in Iasi in 1807 under the obedience of the Orient of Constantinople. On June 24, 1881, was formed the Sovereign Sanctuary of the Memphis Rite in Romania, following a patent granted to MWGM Constantin Moroiu. In November 1881, Romania recognizes the unification of the two rites of Memphis and Misraim in one Body and also recognizes Giuseppe Garibaldi as Sovereign Grand Master, Grand Commander, General Grand Hyerofant of the Rite.

In June, Bucharest will host the celebration of this event under the gavel of Brother Gh. Florea, with the participation of various delegations from Russia, Italy and other countries.

Monday, 21 May 2012

Refounding Freemasonry, a conference held by Brother Jaime Chalita Zarur in Bucharest

During his intervention at the RMI 2012 in Bucharest, Dr. Jaime Chalita Zarur exposed his view on Freemasonry and presented the concept of "Refounding Freemasonry", a speech well known in Mexico since December 2011. The basis of this concept stands on 4 major points:

1. Recognition and respect between men and women in Freemasonry, respecting each others rituals and fundamental laws and regulations of their organizations so that they can have dialogue regarding Masonic unity as society and not being obliged to talk about unification, precisely to keep the respect for the practices regarding each Rite.

2. Stopping all derogatory among Freemasons and prioritizing the work constructed through facts and not involving hatred within the Brotherhood.

3. The key for all is education and study, not only for the population, but also for ourselves (Freemasons); learning our laws and regulations and building Liberal Universities in each state (in this case Mexico).

4. We need to be truly universal, inclusive and we must not involve ourselves into dogmatic issues.

Starting from the four points mentioned by Dr. Chalita Zarur the concept can grow within each and every single Masonic national society, reaching in the end the universal community of Freemasons. Brother Jaime stresses that this is a work for individuals but as a whole, as a society.

The Romanian York Rite organized a Romanian Masonic Week

APMR informs that during 14 to 20 May 2012 the York Rite organized an events calles "Romanian Masonic Week" to celebrate the 130th anniversary since the first historic evidence of the York Rite in Romania. The series of events ended on Sunday, when it was organized the meeting of the members of the Order Societas Rosicruciana in Romania.

Will the Mayan documentary be released this year?

San Francisco-based philanthropist and author Elisabeth Thieriot allegedly filmed a documentary without a valid permit on Mexican government ground and then fled the country with the footage, according to Mexican government documents.

The allegations concern the documentary “Revelations of the Mayans 2012 and Beyond,” which has descended into disarray after its executive producer, the wife of former San Francisco Chronicle Publisher Charles Thieriot, allegedly fled with two dozen hard drives and 10 computer towers containing the film’s footage.

photo: Raul Julia Levy (Raul was honored by UNESCO,
the educational and cultural arm of the United Nations,
for his contributions to the arts
and his activism in support of the indigenous people of the Americas)

The documents are based on complaints filed by the film’s producer, Raul Julia-Levy, who also accused three others — Eduardo Vertiz Mascarenas, Emiliano Chaparro Martinez and Eduardo de la Cerda — of stealing footage and equipment.

“She ran away with the footage,” Julia-Levy said. “She was informed not to leave the country, but she did. We are extremely sad and disappointed that Mrs. Thieriot did this, and we will pursue this with all the arms of the law.”

Thieriot did not respond to emails sent to her through her website and her Facebook page.

Among the documents obtained by entertainment news organization The Wrap is a letter from the attorney general in the Mexican state of Campeche that orders Thieriot and two others to appear and turn over the hard drives and towers.

Another letter, from Ramon Carrasco Vargas of Mexico’s National Institute of Anthropology and History, a government entity, is addressed to Thieriot and details a list of violations and warnings.

In a series of interviews with The Wrap over the past year, Julia-Levy said the film would prove that the Mayans had been contacted by extraterrestrials who left messages that will be vital to humanity during an upcoming period of upheaval.

The Wrap via Reuters

Sunday, 20 May 2012

Chilean Parliament pays tribute to the Grand Lodge of Chile

To celebrate the 150th anniversary of the founding of the Grand Lodge of Chile, the Chamber of Deputies paid a public tribute to the Grand Lodge. During the ovations all Deputies reminded of the efforts and support of Freemasonry brought to public education and its interventions during the key moments in history.

Each parliamentary party leaders brought tributes in the presence of state authorities and national leaders of Chilean Freemasonry headed by the Grand Master of Grand Lodge of Chile, MW Brother Luis Riveros.

Sunday, 29 April 2012

Alain Juillet was elected Grand Master of the recently formed Grand Lodge of the Masonic French Alliance

More then 1000 Brethren gathered at the De Vinci Conference Centre auditorium to form a new French Grand Lodge. Brethren from France, the Carribean, Réunion Island and also English Brethren attended at the controversial foundation of the Grande Loge de l'Alliance Française Maçonnique, most of them initiated in the GLNF.

Alain Juillet was elected as Grand Master and Charles Tordjman as Assistant Grand Master. The three Lodges which are to be known as the mother Lodges of this new Masonic obedience are: L’Anglaise #204, La Persévérance Ecossaise and Théba.

Grand Lodge of New Jersey grants recognition to the Grand Lodge of Tahiti

According to the decisions taken within the Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge of New Jersey, it was decided to grant recognition to the Grand Lodge of Tahiti, a recently founded Masonic Symbolic body in the territories of the French Polynesia (belonging to the French Republic).

Monday, 16 April 2012

GLNF & IMC in Latin America | A short analysis

There was no doubt that the future of the IMC will change and it did. Last weekend the leaders of the largest Masonic organization in Latin America gathered in Brasilia to make a new step in their evolution as a 21st century Masonic body. There were surprises, but good ones.

Hosting IMC's General Assembly, the Grand Orient of Brazil (vanguard of Latin American Freemasonry as stated by APMR's Secretary-General) presides now the Inter-American Masonic Confederation together with Peru which has the Executive Secretariat.

Nothing unusual until now but... looking closer to what happened in Brazil we could say that the tow most important seats belong now to IMC's 6th Zone/Area composed of Brazil (Grand Orient of Brazil), Paraguay (Symbolic Grand Lodge of Paraguay), Argentina (Grand Lodge of Argentina), Chile (Grand Lodge of Chile), Uruguay (Grand Lodge of Freemasonry of Uruguay), Bolivia (Grand Lodge of Bolivia). Portugal (Regular Grand Lodge of Portugal) and Spain (Grand Lodge of Spain).

APMR followed closely the Masonic events in Brasilia and was the first in announcing the results of the election process. Remains now to see when they will publish the Charter of Brasilia.

Continuing our analysis we want to stress that for the GLNF there are no bad news, at least not regarding the Report of the IMC (former) Executive Secretary, Guatemala's PGM. Stifani was Vice-president of IMC's 2nd Zone/Area until recently and his efforts in trying to organize a regional General Assembly in Guadeloupe failed due to GLNF's internal problems.

The new board of the IMC will have now a hard task in trying to repair all broken things in Paraguay, Bolivia, Ecuador and most probably also in Mexico and Cuba and to motorize what happens in France. But surely with the diplomacy of the new Executive Secretary and with the administrative experience of the new President the IMC will manage to bring light regarding the stability and sustainable development of the Inter-American Masonic Confederation.

We thank APMR's Secretariat General for the information provided.