The Grand Master of the Grand Lodge Traditional and Symbolic Opera
(GLTSO), MW Jean DUBAR, granted recently an interview to a member of the
Grand Lodge of France (GLdF). During the interview, statement preceding
the press conference which will take place exactly one week in Paris,
where French Grand Masters will speak publicly about how they see the
future of French Freemasonry in 2013 and how the project of the new
Masonic Confederation will evolve, the Grand Master stated that the
initiative does not represent a mean to obtain UGLE's recognition.
DUBAR also said in the interview that the project comes at the
initiative of the Grand Lodges of Germany, Belgium, Switzerland, Austria
and Luxembourg because those Grand Lodges need to have a homologue in
the French Masonic landscape. He also mentioned that initially were
only three French Grand Lodges involved in the project and afterwards
another two Grand Lodges adhered, the last of which will be consecrated
on January 12 (GLIF).
However, this does not in any way refutes
the statement made by the new Grand Chancellor of London, (September
2012). Also, we must note that on February 17th to 19th 2013 will take
place the Conference of Grand Master Masons in North America and in
March the Quarterly Communication of the United Grand Lodge of England.
Probably the American Freemasonry will take note of this process and
UGLE's Board of General Purposes will take note of GLNF's evolution in March most probably.
The United Grand Lodge of England formerly recognized GLdF before recognizing GLNF in the 20th century. Also we underlay the fact that the 2012 report of the Commission on Information for Recognition mentions the following regarding GLNF: "New elections are scheduled in the near future, and it is hoped that a solution will be forthcoming," and that Servel already suspended PGM Stifani.
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