Monday, 14 January 2013

Grand Master Marc Herny's absence at GLIF's consecration ceremony

Saturday was celebrated the consecration ceremony of the Independent Grand Lodge of France. Thou we are talking about another faction of GLNF there were two things pointing out that, maybe, something "strange" is happening.

First of all the ceremony took place in GLdF's Franklin Roosevelt Temple and second, GLdF's Grand Master was not present during the event. The sole Grand Master who attended the ceremony was Jean Dubar (GLTSO), the other Grand Masters being represented only by a delegation. LNF's Grand Master apologized for his absence, and GL-MPA's leader was represented by the Grand Expert.

GLdF's Grand Master was represented by Alain-Noël Dubart (GLdF's Immediate Past Grand Master) leading a delegation composed by the Grand Chancellor Jean-Jacques Zambrowski, Grand Orator Hugues Febvay and Past Grand Orator Alain Pigeau.

On the other hand, we should remember that last week, GLTSO's Grand Master (sole Grand Master attending GLIF's consecration ceremony) stated in an interview that the initiative (of the Masonic Confederation) does not represent a mean to obtain UGLE's recognition. The other aspect is that GLNF's Grand Master Servel decided to create a National Committee for Reconciliation and Reintegration so that he could repair Stifani's mistakes.

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