Monday, 4 February 2013

Message of the Regional Grand Master of Western India on the occasion of the Golden Jubilee Celebrations and Annual Investiture Meetings of Regional Grand Lodge of Western India at Bhopal

My dear Brethren,

I extend to you all a very warm and cordial invitation to attend the Golden Jubilee Celebrations and Annual Investiture Meetings of Regional Grand Lodge of Western India at Bhopal on 8-9-10 February, 2013. 
M. W. Bro. Vasudev J. Masurekar, O. S. M., M. W. the Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of India, has very kindly consented to grace the Golden Jubilee Celebrations and Annual Investiture Meetings and on behalf of the Masonic Fraternity of Western India, I accord a very special welcome to him and the officers of the Grand Lodge of India at Bhopal. I also cordially invite distinguished Past Grand Masters, my esteemed and loving colleagues from North, East and South, illustrious Past Regional Grand Masters and Heads of Sister Constitutions to Bhopal to participate at the Celebrations and Annual Meetings.
Brethren of Bhopal had conveyed to me very keen desire of Fraternity at Bhopal to host the Annual Meeting of the Regional Grand Lodge of W I months ahead of my Installation as RGM of W I and I am very confident that the freemasons of Bhopal will rise to the occasion and put in their best efforts for success of the events.
My brethren, our Regional Grand Lodge has logged in 50 years of Service to freemasonry which naturally calls for a celebration. This event will give us an opportunity to salute and appreciate the wisdom and sagacity of our leaders who have led from the front to promote growth and stability of freemasonry in the Western Region. We will also recognize and appreciate leaders from our Region who adorned the highest office and very successfully led the Grand Lodge of India. A Coffee Table Book is being very meticulously compiled by W Bro Arun Phadke that will also be released. I am sure the brethren of Bhopal will strive hard to make the Golden Jubilee Celebrations a memorable event.
The Annual Investiture Meetings of your Region will set forth the Masonic agenda for the coming year. Your active participation in large numbers will give a positive thrust and mandate for the successful culmination of the activities planned for the coming year. I hope and pray that each Masonic body of Western Region will be represented at these meetings. Please respond to this invitation by registering in large numbers for Golden Jubilee Celebrations and Annual Investiture Meetings.
Brethren still cherish their visit and have vivid memories of warmth and hospitality of Bhopal fraternity which organized Annual and Special Meeting of the Western Region during the years 2005 and 2007. Beautiful City of Bhopal once again beckons you during its best season to thoroughly enjoy the hospitality of Bhopal Fraternity during your entire stay. The venue for the meeting and celebrations is one of the best in the State of Madhya Pradesh. I assure you that the arrangements for your comforts will not be compromised at any stage.
I once again extend a hearty welcome to one and all and convey my best wishes to the Organising Committee and the Fraternity of Bhopal for the success of the Golden Jubilee Celebrations and Annual Investiture Meetings of Regional Grand Lodge of Western India.
Zawareh H. Wadia
Regional Grand Master
Grand Lodge of Western India

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