Tuesday, 24 September 2013

Installation Address by the Deputy for the Province of Ghana (Dr. Nii Adjetey Bonnie Andrews, 33°) in the presence of Sovereign Grand Commander J. M. Marcus Humphrey of Dinnet, 33°

Most Powerful Sovereign Grand Commander, V. Ill. and Illus. Brethren, E. and P. Companions,

I must confess that I am humbled by the presence of such a large number of members of our Order in this Temple tonight particularly by the presence of the Most Powerful Sovereign Grand Commander.

The Masonic Temple, Achimota holds a special place in my heart; to the best of our knowledge, it is the only purpose built Masonic temple on a school compound in the world.

It was in this Temple that my father was installed as the 21st Master of his Mother Lodge. Since 1993, two of my younger siblings and I have been brought to Masonic Light here; two of us have also been installed Master in this very place.

Another happy coincidence was that both V. Ill. Bro. ECT Amui, Administrator of the Province of Ghana and I were raised MM on the same day in May 1996 in this Temple.

Indeed, as a thirteen year old pupil at Achimota, I had watched totally enthralled as a large Masonic procession lead by the Grand Master Mason and with a full piece police marching band wound its way with great solemnity from the summit of the Outlaws’ Hill to this very site for the Foundation Stone Laying ceremony in 1971. 

To have arrived here tonight with so little and from so little but in the company of such an eminent group of masons, one can only prostrate himself in adoration and thanksgiving before the blinding majesty of Him who is the Great Architect of Heaven and Earth while supplicating the eternal mediation of the Ever Blessed Rose for continuous blessings from the inexhaustible store.

We pray for grace to enable us to perform our duties - which are to work, reflect and pray; to hope, trust and believe; to teach the truths that are hidden in allegory and concealed by the symbols of Freemasonry. 

In short, to dispense light and knowledge and to practice the Masonic virtues.

Therefore, it is with the greatest humility that I offer my most profound personal gratitude to each individual Brother and Companion for your attendance and support on this day the 14th September, 2013.

Your spontaneous and enthusiastic display of fraternal affection forcibly reminds me of the motto of our 14th degree - the Grand Elect, Perfect and Sublime Mason. It simply states, “Those whom virtue unites, death shall not separate”. (VIRTUS JUNXIT MORS NON SEPARABIT).

I salute you all and especially V. Ill. Bro. Dr. Eid, Past Deputy for the Province and V. Ill. Bro. John Lawson, Past Administrator for their wise counsel and support during our recent transition phase.

To our Most Powerful Sovereign Grand Commander and M. Ill. Bro. Grand Secretary General, on behalf of the Province of Ghana, I extend to you the most cordial welcome to our country; it is our fervent hope that this shall be first of numerous future visits.

Most Powerful Sovereign Grand Commander, I owe you an eternal debt of gratitude for agreeing to travel to Ghana solely to install me as Deputy of the Province. 

It is a most gracious gesture on your part; one which will never fade from my thoughts.

We of the Province of Ghana are confident that with your guidance and support we shall build with devotion to the service of God while promoting the welfare of man.

And now as a token of our fidelity and to mark this happy occasion, the Province of Ghana wishes to present to you - Most Powerful Sovereign Grand Commander and M. Ill. Grand Secretary General a memento of your visit.

I now respectfully invite V. Ill. Bro. Dr. Samir Eid 33°, past Deputy of the Province of Ghana to make the presentation.

Most Powerful Sovereign Grand Commander, M. Ill. Grand Secretary General and Brethren, I thank you most sincerely for your kind attention.

V. Ill. Bro. Dr. Nii Adjetey Bonney Andrews, 33°
Deputy for the Province of Ghana

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