Monday, 23 September 2013

Sadio Lamine SOW elected Most Worshipful Grand Master of the National Grand Lodge of Mali

The Masonic Press Agency announces that on 12 September 2013 the Grand Masters of Ghana (Otwasuom Osae NYAMPONG VI) and Togo (Kossi R. PAASS) gathered to analyze the situation within the National Grand Lodge of Mali (Gande Loge Nationale Malienne). They have studied carefully all the documents (Constitution and General Regulations) and have concluded that the new elected Grand Master of Mali, Most Worshipful Sadio Lamine SOW, was elected according to Masonic rules and the Constitution of his Grand Lodge.

Brother Sow is one of the central pillars of the Bamako Government (number 2 in the Government), serving as Minister of State, Minister for Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation. He was also the personal adviser to the President of Burkina Faso, Blaise Compaoré.

Born on August 9, 1952, in Kayes, Sadio Lamine Sow graduated from the University of Paris X Nanterre, obtaining a degree in modern letters and a certificate in political studies. Sow is a known communication expert, reporter, journalist etc. He is passionate about reading and swimming.

Source of the private data: APMR's Secretariat General

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