One (of the many) Italian Grand Master, Gian Franco Pilloni sent a letter to the leader of the Holy See asking Pope Francis "to put an end to the gaps that still sustain a wall" between the two institutions: the Craft and the Catholic Church.
In the letter sent Thursday to the Pope, Gian Franco Pilloni (leading one of the UMSOI's branches in Italy) said that "Your Holiness I am writing to you to make a humble request to act for ending the divisions that stand between the relations of the Catholic Church with Freemasonry, hoping that finally will reign the just peace between the two nstitutions, ending tthe gaps that still sustain a wall."
For the record, Pilloni's UMSOI split from Simonetti's UMSOI and those Masonic Grand Lodges have nothing to do with the Regular Grand Lodge of Italy (recognized by UGLE) nor the Grand Orient of Italy (host of the XXIV Conference of Grand Secretaries and Chancellor of Europe).
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