Last week a Masonic organization from Serbia sent a note of information with the title: To all regular Masonic Jurisdictions worldwide! We are talking about the United Grand Lodges of Serbia. Bellow we present their official communication:
One year ago, at the Special Annual Assembly of the UGLS, held on 05/20/ 2015, sitting Grand Master of the UGLS, Bro. Petar Radonjanin, and certain number of his supporters were expelled from the membership of UGLS, after found guilty of un-masonic conduct. At the same Special Convocation, MW Bro. Vladimir S. Markovic, PGM, was appointed pro-tem Grand Master, until the next Regular Annual Convocation and election of the new Grand Master.
In the following year, expelled Brothers, led by expelled GM, tried to renounce the legitimacy of the decisions of the Grand Assembly by several illegal actions. After failed attempt to use name of the UGLS, they registered with Serbian authorities an organization with the similar name to the UGLS called “Alliance of the UGLS “ ( SUVLS); published website with similar domain name to official website of the UGLS; published Masonic Magazine with the same name as the official UGLS publication “Neimar”, and tried to do anything else to represent themselves as legitimate continuation of the UGLS.
Legal process against this group of pretenders with Serbian Courts proved legitimacy of the UGLS, but in spite of Courts decisions, this group continues with their illegal activities. In the meantime, we would like to inform all Masonic Brothers worldwide of the existence of this illegal group.
United Grand Lodges of Serbia are the only legitimate Masonic body under that name in Serbia and is working regularly since 2006. Our web address never changed since our foundation ( or At the present time, the Grand Master Pro-tem is MW Vladimir S. Markovic, PGM, who will be on that function until our next regular Annual Convocation.
United Grand Lodges of Serbia AF&AM
For all further information you can contact
the Office of the Grand Secretary at
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