Monday, 28 January 2013

The Kent Museum of Freemasonry at KENT BIG WEEKEND

The Kent Museum of Freemasonry, is a museum in St Peters Place, Canterbury, Kent with a rare collection of masonic exhibits of national and international importance.

The Museum is an Accredited Museum, meeting the nationally agreed standards of the Arts Council on collection care, museum management and the provision of information and services to visitors. The museum is a hidden treasure which boasts a rare collection of exhibits of national and international importance. Its collection of Masonic material is probably the finest in the UK outside of London.

2013 Provincial Grand Lodge of Somerset Annual General Meeting

The Annual Meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Somerset will take place at the Winter Gardens Pavilion, Weston-super-Mare on 4th April 2013 at 2.45pm. For more details here.


Brethren appointed to active Provincial Rank
will report to the Provincial Registrar to collect their Jewel of Office 

Rehearsal for Provincial Officers

Photograph of all Provincial Officers

Luncheon in the Main Ballroom
(ticket only, see below)

All Brethren including Grand Officers
to be seated in the Prince Consort Suite

Provincial Grand Lodge will be opened

Provincial Grand Lodge will be closed
(approximate timing only)

Saturday, 26 January 2013

26 January 1866 | Grand Lodge of Montana

On 26 January 1866 the Grand Lodge of Montana was founded as an independent ans sovereign Masonic Body (Grand Lodge). It was one of the two Grand Lodges gaining independence in that year, along with the Grand Lodge of Nova Scotia (20 February 1866).

According to the Masonic history of that year, a dispensation to form Nevada City Lodge (U.D.) was issued by the Grand Lodge of Illinois on August 28, 1865. This Lodge was chartered under the Grand Lodge of Montana as Nevada City No. 4 on January 29, 1866. The Lodge surrendered its Charter on October 4, 1888.

Also in 1866 was issued a dispensation to operate as Morning Star (U.D.) - Morning Star Lodge No. 5, Helena 59601 - on February 24, 1866 and was chartered October 4, 1866. Gallatin Lodge #6, Bozeman 59715 was the first Lodge created by the Grand Lodge of Montana. It was issued a dispensation to operate February 17, 1866 and Chartered October 4, 1866. Another dispensation was issued on February 24, 1866 to operated Diamond City (U.D.) - Diamond City Lodge No. 7, White Sulphur Springs 59645 - at Confederate. The Lodge was chartered October 4, 1866, as Diamond City No. 7 at Diamond City. The Lodge was given permission to move to White Sulphur Springs in 1882.

Friday, 18 January 2013

Avignon's Papal Palace to be converted in a Masonic Temple

The information appeared today in an article published by APMR and titled "Palace of the Popes in Avignon to host a Masonic ceremony." According to that news, Saturday will take place the consecration ceremony of the Traditional Grand Lodge of France (another GLNF faction leaded by Jean-Luc Venturino).

The event will be held in the Conclave Hall of the Palace of the Popes (Palais des Papes) in Avignon, France. The Grand Lodge is the product of GLNF's domestic scandal. The Traditional Grand Lodge of France considers itself regular and in doing so seeks to have a communication relation with the Grand Lodges of Germany, Belgium, Switzerland. Luxembourg and Austria.

The Palais des Papes is a historical palace in Avignon, southern France, one of the largest and most important medieval Gothic buildings in Europe. One time fortress and palace, the papal residence was the seat of Western Christianity during the 14th century. Six papal conclaves were held in the Palais, leading to the elections of Benedict XII in 1335, Clement VI in 1342, Innocent VI in 1352, Urban V in 1362, Gregory XI in 1370 and Antipope Benedict XIII in 1394.

Heavy snowfall in the UK affects Masonic activities

The recent heavy snowfall in the UK, made some Lodges to suspend their Masonic activities temporarily. Among the affected provinces are Worcestershire, Norfolk, Hampshire and Wight Isles etc.

For example a few minutes ago, the Provincial Grand Lodge of Worcestershire announced that due to inclement weather, the meeting of the Worcestershire Installed Masters Lodge No. 6889 to be held on Saturday 19th January 2013 has been abandoned.

Monday, 14 January 2013

Grand Master Marc Herny's absence at GLIF's consecration ceremony

Saturday was celebrated the consecration ceremony of the Independent Grand Lodge of France. Thou we are talking about another faction of GLNF there were two things pointing out that, maybe, something "strange" is happening.

First of all the ceremony took place in GLdF's Franklin Roosevelt Temple and second, GLdF's Grand Master was not present during the event. The sole Grand Master who attended the ceremony was Jean Dubar (GLTSO), the other Grand Masters being represented only by a delegation. LNF's Grand Master apologized for his absence, and GL-MPA's leader was represented by the Grand Expert.

GLdF's Grand Master was represented by Alain-Noël Dubart (GLdF's Immediate Past Grand Master) leading a delegation composed by the Grand Chancellor Jean-Jacques Zambrowski, Grand Orator Hugues Febvay and Past Grand Orator Alain Pigeau.

On the other hand, we should remember that last week, GLTSO's Grand Master (sole Grand Master attending GLIF's consecration ceremony) stated in an interview that the initiative (of the Masonic Confederation) does not represent a mean to obtain UGLE's recognition. The other aspect is that GLNF's Grand Master Servel decided to create a National Committee for Reconciliation and Reintegration so that he could repair Stifani's mistakes.

Thursday, 10 January 2013

The desecration and looting of the historic Masonic Temple is a disgrace for Oaxaca's Governor

In an article written by APMR's Secretary-General today, he said that he is disgusted by the lack of action of Oaxaca's Governor. "One of the thieves is no other then the President of the Mexican Protectorate for Human Rights, a man named Jesús Alfredo López García. He, together with his accomplices were arrested by the State prosecution, after which they were released," writes APMR's Sec. Gen.

It is written that the main offenders responsible for for this issue are the State attorney, Arturo Calvo Peimbert, and the Government Legal Advisor, Victor Hugo Alejo Torres. The Grand Master and the President of the National College of Masonic Lawyers wanted to denounce them to Governor Gabino Cué Monteagudo, but he refused listening to them.

"Once arrived at the State Government Palace, the Masonic delegation was not received by the Governor because he refused to see them, to provide explanations and to accept the public complaint. Under these conditions our Brethren have publicly warned the Governor that if he continues to refuse, then representatives of all Masonic Grand Lodges of Mexico will directly address the President, Enrique Peña Nieto to solve this problem."

In the end of his article, APMR's Secretary-General states the following: "The unpleasant event caused consternation within the Mexican Masonic community and the governor is seen by some as the moral partaker of the unresolved robbery and desecration of Oaxaca's Grand Masonic Temple. I can only say that the Oaxaca's historic Masonic Temple, a landmark of Mexico's Masonic history, desecration and looting is a disgrace for Oaxaca's Governor Gabino Cué Monteagudo."

Yorkshire Freemasons in the press for giving to The Prince's Trust

According to The Star (UK),members of the Craft (Don Valley Lodge) met in Doncaster to donate £10,000 to the Prince’s Trust charity, which will help to change the lives of young people. The same source informs that the two donations, £5,000 each from West Riding Masonic Charities and the Freemasons’ Grand Charity, were presented to Princes’ Trust regional chairman, Andrew Farley, and Youth Ambassador, Rebecca Taylor.

Wednesday, 9 January 2013

The Role of Freemasonry in Universal Peacekeeping

During the meeting in Chennai, India, Freemasons from across the world debated on a very special subject, which is the Role of Freemasonry in Universal Peacekeeping. Attending the event, Brother Marcos HANS presented a view on what role should Freemasonry (as a Craft, generally speaking, and individually as members of Freemasonry) play in universal peacekeeping, starting by quoting Illustrious Albert PIKE, Sovereign Grand Commander: “To many men there is nothing of value or interest in philosophical speculation; as to many men there is no melody in music. There are natural incapacities that diminish the value neither of music or philosophy.”

The in introduction Brother Hans stated that "We live in a time when many individuals and groups from different parts of the world are living in extreme violence and oppression. War seems that has approach too fast in recent decades, and when I mention war, not only wars between nations, for economic, religious or ethnic issues, but war in the hearts, war in the minds. I am not referring to the recent conflicts in Syria, Egypt, Iraq, Afghanistan, but generally in small conflicts between people.
 Young people are being raised in conditions far removed from the ideas of peace, harmony and coexistence, and this will undoubtedly impact in the near future when they become adults and eventually leaders. 
There are over 4200 ( groups in the world and among them there are people who refute members of societies different from yours, the stigma about Muslims is an example."

As an experienced Freemasons, Marcos HANS (member of the Grand Masonic Lodge of the State of Rio Grande do Sul - Brazil,  Past Master, Sovereign Grand Inspector General , MRA, SEM, KT, FRC, Shriner, SRC VII, TOM
, Representative of the Grand Lodge of India, GLMERG's Grand Secretary on Foreign Affairs for the period 2009-2011, afilliated to Cidade de Montenegro Lodge #230, Templo a Virtude Lodge #216 and Eureka North Shore Lodge #269 in the USA, member of Quattuor Coronatti Lodge #2076 (UGLE), Scottish Rite Reseach Society WA DC
, Grand Council of Allied Masonic Degrees, Honorary member of the Grand Lodge of Bahia and HRAKTP - Tabernacle 226 District 47) said that the role of each Grand Lodge (as small groups) regarding universal peacekeeping depends also on philosophy which eliminates artificial barriers that divide human beings.

"We can not deny the creation of so many higher degrees and nevertheless the Craft or Blue Lodges, are not able to attract more good men. We are often very concerned about the hat and forgot to put on good shoes or shine them," said Brother Hans.

One appreciation in particular was very important. He said that "Our lessons have not been enough to turn good men into better men." He continued by saying the following: "I fully agree and certainly the vast majority of which are present here, that our case is not quantity but quality. Much has been written and presented on this subject, but I also say, and I think most will agree too, we all want the group to be much larger, more united, practicing their own teachings among the Lodges, Grand Lodges, because out there there are a lot of good men that the system is not able to recruit, and a evidence of this are the few young people in the organization."

But he also mentioned the exceptions within the Craft, referring at the Grand Lodge of the Philippines, of Ireland and India: "I was surprised by the number of young people and the participation of the family. I participated in Lodges in Ireland where I saw Brothers with 30 years joining a Lodge with an average of 60 years. The same I have seen in New Delhi. In Latin America, especially in Brazil, the membership is increasing with young people. I got news that in the USA this is also happening due to recent events as books and movies. It may be only a curiosity, the time will tell us. However the majority of the world membership is from an older generation than the present."

Summarizing, "the role and influence of Freemasonry in peacekeeping lies in the power of each Grand Lodge in order to spread the ATTITUDE to implement the Masonic lessons with more passion and pursuing a bigger qualified membership in order to spread the secular teachings of BROTHERLY LOVE, TRUTH AND MUTUAL AID, and one way is to give more attention, financial support to the Paramasonic Orders, such as the DeMolay, for example," said Marcos Hans.

He also added that "They speak the language of youngest people. They already are in the scene but they will play a more important role from now on. If a Grand Lodge incorporates that team, the probability of success will be much higher. The same is true for the Jobs Daughters, Rainbow Girls, Eastern Star or any other female organization related to Freemasonry, because this involves the women, the family. The family is already so split, that if a fellow goes to a meeting and his family is not involved, they push him away with other activities. And this means a little war."

Passing to the role of Freemasons as individuals, he pointed the following: "The fundamental is be in peace with yourself. Freemasonry states to make mankind happy. But first, each individual needs to be happy and to be happy one must to be in peace with himself. Not to mention what should be our homework, peace in the lodges, in the Grand Lodges, among the leaders. I mention the recent example of a negative attitude, a very negative example from one of the worldwide Grand Lodges, from France, who suppose to be a leader and a good example. This is a shame and a very black page in recent history of Freemasonry.

 We do not have time to be quiet, to be alone, in peace with ourselves, because of our duties and we almost become like robots. The attitude and the aim should be having this time."

"So, the role of Freemasonry for peacekeeping, is in personal aims, as individual masons, is to pursuit peace of mind, peace in the family, peace in the Lodge, peace in the Grand Lodge, with a vibrant and positive and winner ACTITUDE." 

"Every Grand Lodge has the opportunity and responsibility to implement the lesson from our school better and better involving side orders and in doing so the membership will increase based on the positive reputations it brings."

"Every single mason has the same responsibility, it means, has more responsibility because he is the image and the core what freemasonry means and stands for .To spread the attitude of a winner, of a peace maker , of a good man, of a better man."

An article taken from Masonic Times of India

Monday, 7 January 2013

A French Masonic Confederation to reestablish French Masonic status in Europe and not to obtain UGLE's recognition?!

The Grand Master of the Grand Lodge Traditional and Symbolic Opera (GLTSO), MW Jean DUBAR, granted recently an interview to a member of the Grand Lodge of France (GLdF). During the interview, statement preceding the press conference which will take place exactly one week in Paris, where French Grand Masters will speak publicly about how they see the future of French Freemasonry in 2013 and how the project of the new Masonic Confederation will evolve, the Grand Master stated that the initiative does not represent a mean to obtain UGLE's recognition.

Jean DUBAR also said in the interview that the project comes at the initiative of the Grand Lodges of Germany, Belgium, Switzerland, Austria and Luxembourg because those Grand Lodges need to have a homologue in the French Masonic landscape. He also mentioned that initially were only three French Grand Lodges involved in the project and afterwards another two Grand Lodges adhered, the last of which will be consecrated on January 12 (GLIF).

However, this does not in any way refutes the statement made by the new Grand Chancellor of London, (September 2012). Also, we must note that on February 17th to 19th 2013 will take place the Conference of Grand Master Masons in North America and in March the Quarterly Communication of the United Grand Lodge of England. Probably the American Freemasonry will take note of this process and UGLE's Board of General Purposes will take note of GLNF's evolution in March most probably.

The United Grand Lodge of England formerly recognized GLdF before recognizing GLNF in the 20th century. Also we underlay the fact that the 2012 report of the Commission on Information for Recognition mentions the following regarding GLNF: "New elections are scheduled in the near future, and it is hoped that a solution will be forthcoming," and that Servel already suspended PGM Stifani.

Friday, 4 January 2013

Assistant Provincial Grand Master Mark Mills-Goodlet presented a cheque of £4000.00 to the Rowans Hospice on behalf of the Grand Charity and the Province

According to a post on Facebook, yesterday afternoon, the Assistant Provincial Grand Master W. Bro Mark Mills-Goodlet presented a cheque for just shy of £4000.00 to the Rowans Hospice on behalf of the Grand Charity and the Province.

The Rowans Hospice requires £4.6 million per year to operate and only receive £746,000.00 from government funding. The difference is made up by fund raising activities and donations. They were very pleased with our generosity.

Thursday, 3 January 2013

The Independent Grand Lodge of France to be consecrated on January 12

The Independent Grand Lodge of France (Grande Loge Indépendante de France) will be officially cansecrated on 12 January 2013, at one of GLNF's former headquarters. GLIF's Brethren are former GLNF Freemasons which now take part in the renovation of the French Masonic landscape, a process led by the Grand Lodge of France and impulsed by the of the European Grand Lodges (Germany, Switzerland, Belgium, Austria and Luxembourg).

Chris Hodapp's new edition of FREEMASONS FOR DUMMIES available in January

The new, revised edition of Freemasons For Dummies hits stores and on Monday, January 29th, 2013, according to the official blog of Brother Hodapp.


Freemasons of Africa to gather in February 2013

At Kinshasa (Democratic Republic of Congo) will take place this year the annual meeting of CPMAM and REHFRAM of the African Freemasons. The event will be hosted and organized by the National Grand Lodge of Congo and the Grand Orient of Congo.

Romanian film director Sergiu Nicolaescu dies

Nicolaescu died earlier today at Elias Hospital. According APMR, Nicolaescu died at 8.20 A.M., following severe cardiac and pulmonary complications, which did not respond to intensive treatment applied. Sergiu F. Nicolaescu was a Romanian film director, actor and politician. Three of the most popular films of the Romanian director were The Dacians (Dacii - 1966), Michael the Brave (Mihai Viteazul - 1970) and Mircea (1989). Michael the Brave film was distributed worldwide by Colombia Pictures.

According to The Miami Herald, Nicolaescu made some 50 movies in his lifetime, and despite his career in politics, continued to direct films such as the ''Orient Express" in 2004.