A few moments ago the
Masonic Press Agency of Romania (APMR) revealed the official statement of the Inter-American Masonic Confederation (CMI) regarding the Masonic regularity in Paraguay by citing the Grand Commission on Foreign Relation of the Symbolic Grand Lodge of Paraguay.
According to the official statement announced by APMR, the President of the VI Area of CMI officially announced all Grand Masters that the sole regular Grand Lodge in Paraguay is the Symbolic Grand Lodge of Paraguay leaded by Most Worshipful Brother Euclides ACEVEDO.
Angel Clavero (the Argentinian Grand Master and President of the VI Area of CMI) says that the decision was approved by CMI's Executive Council in Guayaquil, Ecuador and signed as an official declaration by all 48 Grand Masters and official representatives of the Grand Lodges in CMI during the 11th World Conference of Regular Grand Lodges in Cartagena de Indias, Colombia.

Angel Clavero (photo: Perfil.com)
The official statement presented by the Grand Commission on Foreign Relation of the Symbolic Grand Lodge of Paraguay is signed by Most Worshipful Angel Clavero as Grand Master and CMI's VI Area President and by Right Worshipful Brother Alejo Neyeloff as Grand Secetary on Foreign Affairs.