October 2011

Monday 31 October 2011

Guy Arcizet demands resignation of GOdF's Brethren involved in the "Carlton Affair"

According to the Masonic Press Agency of Romania (APMR), the Grand Master of the Grand Orient of France asked all Brothers involved in the "Lille Carlton Affair" to resign. He said that if their innocence will be proven then there will be no problem to reintegrate them into GOdF's Lodges.

Also in tomorrow's edition of the Jurnal Masonic patronized by APMR will appear for the first time in Romania an article regarding the "Carlton Affair," Dominique Strauss-Kahn (DSK) and GOdF's members involved in this scandal that shake the political, economic, social and Masonic scene in France and beyond.

Cardinal Dom Raymundo Damasceno meets with leaders of Brazil's Freemasonry

On 22nd of September in Aparecida, Brazil, CMSB's Secretary General (Vanderlei Valente) and COMAB's Secretary General (Ricardo Rubens Franz) met with Cardinal Dom Raymundo Damasceno (President of CNBB and Cardinal Archbishop of Aparecida). The theme of discussion was centered on how they can act to improve education of the Brazilian people and strengthen family values​​.

Thursday 27 October 2011

APMR's Secretary-General will participate in this evening at the avantpremiere of the movie directed by Steven Spielberg, "The Adventures of Tintin"

The Secretary-General of the Masonic Press Agency of Romania will participate in this evening at the avantpremiere of the movie directed by Steven Spielberg, "The Adventures of Tintin - The Secret Licorne". The event is organized by the the SCR Foundation and Publishing MME in collaboration with Wallonia-Brussels Delegation in Bucharest.

The event will be attended by the President of the SCR Foundation, Ambassador of Belgium in Bucharest, His Excellency Philippe Beke, members of the diplomatic corps accredited in Bucharest, cultural, financial, political and social personalities.

IX European Masonic Meeting

Starting tomorrow October 28 and until Sunday, October 30, 2011, the town of Montecatini Terme will host the IX European Masonic Meeting. At the event organized by the Grand Orient of Italy will attend members of the "Europe (Europa)" Lodges.

Tomorrow's event will be attended by members of the Grand Lodges of Norway, Germany, Andorra, Cyprus, France, etc. Also, the Grand Master of Poland announced his presence.

Sunday 23 October 2011

Grand Lodge of Connecticut withdrew recognition of the French National Grand Lodge (GLNF)

According to APMR, during yesterday's meeting the Grand Lodge of Connecticut withdrew recognition of the French National Grand Lodge (GLNF). The announcement comes less than two months before the French National Grand Lodge General Assembly.

Also according to the Masonic Press Agency of Romania on December 3, 2011 will be held the Annual General Assembly of the French National Grand Lodge. The event will begin at 13:00 and will take place in l'Espace Marcel Cerdan à Levallois-Perret. At the Masonic ceremony will take part only GLNF's Masters Masons and foreign delegations. Also during the meeting will be presented the Moral Report, the Report of the Home Affairs Committee and the Report of Foreign Affairs Committee.

Masonic Press Agency of Romania: Grand Lodge of Chile and President Piñera at the dialogue table

On September 27, 2011 took place a meeting between the Grand Lodge of Chile and the President, after his return from the UN General Assembly. The delegation of the Grand Lodge was led by the Most Worshipful Grand Master Luis Riveros Cornejo.

President Sebastian Piñera Echenique and the Grand Master spoke about education and how to modify Chile's education system. Piñera was very pleased with the meeting and, in particular with the contribution of Freemasonry brought recently by statements on the educational conflict in Chile. President Piñera expressed his interest in participating next year at the anniversary of the Grand Lodge of Chile, an event which will take place in Valparaiso, Chile's Masonic cradle.

Source: Masonic Press Agency of Romania

Grand Master of Cuba is accused of collaborating with the Communist Party

The Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Cuba is accused of being part of the communist structures, and that would harm the Cuban Freemasonry. The information appears on the background of the preparation for the election campaign for the office of Grand Master in 2012.

Also, there are references to the Past Grand Master Collera Vento, expelled from the Grand Lodge, which turned out to be a spy for the communist government even during his tenure. In this sense the accusation refers to an article published by Diario Masonico (DM) from Mexico. The Masonic Press Agency of Romania wants to mention the fact that DM's editorialist policy is independent of the Agency and that APMR disclaims all liability in this regard.

Source: Masonic Press Agency of Romania

Chile's Parliament has a Masonic Parliamentary group

Grand Lodge of Chile expressed its willingness to act in a permanent Parliamentary group composed of Freemasons. The group founded on September 7 includes also the Grand Master of Chile and wants for the Order to be visible in the eyes of the population, acting as a Republican institution.

One of the central points of debate is the issue of education in Chile. Cristian Larroulet (Minister of the Secretariat General of the Republic) welcomed the initiative of this group, considering that the work of Freemasonry as a Republican institution is precious and full of vision.

Source: Masonic Press Agency of Romania