Grande Loge Nationale Française is on the verge of exploding
Grande Loge Nationale Française (recognized by the United Grand Lodge of England) is on the verge of exploding. GLNF is on the brink of collapse by implosion. There are many Brethrens desiring the head of Francois Stifani, Grand Master of GLNF. The neighboring Grand Lodges (Belgium, Switzerland and Luxembourg) are trying to settle the war that may lead to the destabilization of French Freemasonry. The Grand Master was sent to court numerous times, and the last sentence requires the organization of an Extraordinary Annual Communication where is likely to see Stifani overthrown.

GLNF officials submit their resignations one after another. The French justice started making order in French Freemasonry. Three Grand Lodges already submitted two joint letters to Stifani asking him to settle the conflict. Moreover, the United Grand Lodge of England sent the Grand Master of France a official communication to expressi a point of view very clearly. On December 4th, 2009, UGLE sent a letter to the French Grand Master calling for restoration of order.
The Grand Master of the Grand Lodges of Luxembourg, Switzerland and Belgium (Jean-Michel Mascherpa, Eli Peeters, Paul Geisen) sent its first letter on December 13th, 2010 to Stifani. As a result of Stifani's actions the three sent another letter yesterday. Stifani is cautioned that the response sent to the three GM did not come from him personally, but its Grand Secretary, who was addressing not to the three Grand Masters, but to the Grand Secretaries of Switzerland, Luxembourg and Belgium.
In that letter, the three Grand Masters said: "(...) your explanation on the correspondence addressed to Elyse leaves us, in particular, perplexed". They were talking about the letter of Stifani in which he was adressing to the French President, Nicolas Sarkozy.
Francois Stifani started a brutal virtual war within the Grand Lodge that reached an international scale. His former support PSGC Serge Poullard was overtightened by the AASR members and replaced with Jean-Luc Fauque. Fauque, together with the other leaders of Philosophical Masonic Bodies in France stated various times against Stifani's way of acting and resolving GLNF's home affairs.
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