Vanderlei Valente will coordinate the Symbolic Freemasonry of Brazil
The Masonic Press Agency of Romania (APMR) informs that Brother Vanderlei Valente Freitas was elected Secretary-General of the Confederation of Symbolic Masonry of Brazil (CMSB). The election was held yesterday during the General Assembly. Brother Valente received 18 votes in favor of his election.

Valente Freitas won the electoral race with the Past Grand Master of Espirito Santo, Brother Sérgio Gianórdoli, and he will be installed during the last day of the General Assembly. "It is one of the biggest challenges of my life. I want to thank the Masonic community of Acre to its contribution to this moment of glory for the State of Acre," stated the new Secretary-General. This function that he will handle is the most important function in the Brazilian Freemasonry. Valente Freitas will be the organizer of the Masonic movement in Brazil and the guarantor of the unity of the institution.
"I had to overcome many obstacles. One of these was the distrust of people who did not believe in our ability to manage things well. We have full confidence that we are prepared to fulfill this mission entrusted to us." Before being elected head of the Confederation of Symbolic Masonry of Brazil, Vanderlei Valente Freitas was Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Acre, already having four years experience as Deputy Secretary General of CMSB.
He has a mandate of two years and may be reelected for another term of two years. Together with the Grand Master of Acre, Brother Pedro Longo, Valente Freitas will have to organize the next General Assembly of the CMSB, an event to be held in Rio Branco. "We will organize an event to perform to all expectations. I am certain that our Grand Master will help us to achieve this wonderful meeting."
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