11th World Conference of Masonic Regular Grand Lodges will be held in Colombia

Saturday 23 October 2010

11th World Conference of Masonic Regular Grand Lodges will be held in Colombia

The 11th World Conference of Masonic Regular Grand Lodges will be held in Colombia. The host, the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Colombia at Cartagena de Indias, decided to organize the event at the Hilton Hotel, one of the most luxurious resort in the city. The Masonic conference will take place from May 12 to 14th, 2011.

During May 7th to 10th, 2010, Brethren Thomas W. Jackson visited Cartagena de Indias (Colombia), as Executive Secretary, to inspect the facilities and to meet Brethrens of the Grand Lodge and the then Grand Master (Most Worshipful Brethren Hernando Osorio Rico) - President of the 11th World Conference of Masonic Regular Grand Lodges. At that session participated Ildefonso Baldiris Silva (Deputy Grand Master), Ernesto Ahumada Trujillo (Grand Secretary), Hugo Leal Rojas (Deputy Grand Secretary) and members of the Committee: Alfonso Osorio Rico, César Cabarcas, Helí Hernández Ayazo, Roberto Figueroa Beltrán, Luis Alberto Moreno Erazo and Roberto Vallejo Jiménez.

Read the latest news from the 11th World Conference in SPANISH and ENGLISH, news brought to you by the Masonic Press Agency of Romania (APMR).

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