Past Grand Master Retiz Licona stresses the importance of Masonic relations with the Grand Orient of Italy

Friday 24 February 2012

Past Grand Master Retiz Licona stresses the importance of Masonic relations with the Grand Orient of Italy

This morning APMR (Masonic Press Agency of Romania) published an exclusive interview with one of the most prominent voices of Mexican Freemasonry, Eduardo A. Retiz Licona, Past Grand Master of the Grand Lodge Valle de Mexico.

Valle de Mexico celebrated this month its 150th anniversary and the Grand Lodge is known worldwide due to the fact that it was the first to host the World Conference of Regular Grand Lodges.

According to Retiz Licona (running this year for Executive Secretary of the Inter-American Masonic Confederation): "I think there is a need for strategic alliances between the major blocs in Latin America (IMC) and North America, particularly the United States (U.S.) and Canada, continental Europe and England."

Regarding the Grand Orient of Italy he said that "Several times I attended the anniversaries of the Grand Orient of Italy and I have always been surprised by their great capacity of organization and their relations with the Grand Lodges of Asia, Africa and Oriental Europe." More you can read in today's interview.

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