Former Executive President of the World Conference of Regular Grand Lodges talks for APMR about "the need of communication"
"The modern world have benefited from communications. Distances have been reduced. Business, academic and scientific operations experienced important developments due to communication. It’s enough to remember that today is possible for a scientist to perform an operation through communications and by using a robot.

Universities can now disseminate knowledge to countless people thanks to communications. Freemasonry can not avoid these benefits offered to us by this tool provided by modern man. We need to take advantage not only to strengthen the unity of the Grand Lodges and Freemasons, but also to develop our educational projects and to strengthen MEN (Masonic Education Network).
This is an example of the importance of communication as a tool to disseminate ideas, to contribute to education and unity among Brethren."
This is an example of the importance of communication as a tool to disseminate ideas, to contribute to education and unity among Brethren."
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