French Freemasonry condemns Toulouse attack
The attack by an unidentified gunman on a Jewish school in Toulouse, France was condemned by most of the French Masonic Bodies, starting with the Grand Orient of France. The city is in mourning and shock.
Toulouse, a city on the banks of the Garonne river in southwestern France, is best known for its historic old town, universities, churches and galleries, and for being home to aircraft manufacturer Airbus, according to CNN.

Toulouse, a city on the banks of the Garonne river in southwestern France, is best known for its historic old town, universities, churches and galleries, and for being home to aircraft manufacturer Airbus, according to CNN.

According to APMR's (Masonic Press Agency of Romania) Chancellery on Foreign Affairs (CAEx), on March 21st, GOdF's Grand Master wrote a letter to the mayor of Toulouse saying that "I would like to express the deep emotion of the Council of the Order of the Grand Orient of France following the shooting of Toulouse. Beyond our indignation, we think of the victims, children, families and school teachers. For years we denounced the remarks that fuel the hatred within the national community and we are fighting a rampant and destructive nationalism, as it was the experience of France in the 1930s. Faced with these intolerable crimes, the Grand Orient of France called the French people, united in their diversity, more than ever to defend the human rights and the fight for dignity."
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