The famous Anglaise #204 Lodge leaves GLNF for a new French Grand Lodge
If for decades Italy's Masonic panorama was the most colorful and burlesque of all Europe it now seems that France, already in top 10, will take the lead. The famous Anglaise #204 Lodge leaves GLNF for a new French Grand Lodge (aka Grande Loge de l’Alliance Maçonnique Française) to be consecrated on 28 April 2012 by... no one (theoretically, until now, there was no official document announcing the three Grand Lodges which will consecrate the new Masonic body).
Even though all this, the Supreme Council for France, through the voice of its Sovereign Grand Commander (US South Jurisdiction affiliation) stated recently that this new Grand Lodge has the authority to ask for recognition.

In a week we will see what happens and this summer we will see if GLNF's Annual Communication will ratify Stifani's new mandate as Grand Master of the French National Grand Lodge. Until that moment there will be a lot of changes.
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