Celebrating the 130th anniversary of the Ancient and Primitive Rite of Memphis-Misraim in Romania
APMR informs that in June 2012 the Ancient and Primitive Rite of Memphis-Misraim in Romania will celebrate 130 years of institutionalized activity. According to Jurnal Maosnic's edition of 27 May 2012, the presence of Ancient and Primitive Rite of Memphis and Misraim in Romania has lengthy history. Prince Constantin Moruzzi of Moldavia visited in the nineteenth century Constantinople where he and his courtiers were initiated in the Rite of Memphis.

Thus, the first Lodge of Memphis was consecrated in Iasi in 1807 under the obedience of the Orient of Constantinople. On June 24, 1881, was formed the Sovereign Sanctuary of the Memphis Rite in Romania, following a patent granted to MWGM Constantin Moroiu. In November 1881, Romania recognizes the unification of the two rites of Memphis and Misraim in one Body and also recognizes Giuseppe Garibaldi as Sovereign Grand Master, Grand Commander, General Grand Hyerofant of the Rite.
In June, Bucharest will host the celebration of this event under the gavel of Brother Gh. Florea, with the participation of various delegations from Russia, Italy and other countries.
In June, Bucharest will host the celebration of this event under the gavel of Brother Gh. Florea, with the participation of various delegations from Russia, Italy and other countries.
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