Refounding Freemasonry, a conference held by Brother Jaime Chalita Zarur in Bucharest
During his intervention at the RMI 2012 in Bucharest, Dr. Jaime Chalita Zarur exposed his view on Freemasonry and presented the concept of "Refounding Freemasonry", a speech well known in Mexico since December 2011. The basis of this concept stands on 4 major points:

1. Recognition and respect between men and women in Freemasonry, respecting each others rituals and fundamental laws and regulations of their organizations so that they can have dialogue regarding Masonic unity as society and not being obliged to talk about unification, precisely to keep the respect for the practices regarding each Rite.
2. Stopping all derogatory among Freemasons and prioritizing the work constructed through facts and not involving hatred within the Brotherhood.
3. The key for all is education and study, not only for the population, but also for ourselves (Freemasons); learning our laws and regulations and building Liberal Universities in each state (in this case Mexico).
4. We need to be truly universal, inclusive and we must not involve ourselves into dogmatic issues.
Starting from the four points mentioned by Dr. Chalita Zarur the concept can grow within each and every single Masonic national society, reaching in the end the universal community of Freemasons. Brother Jaime stresses that this is a work for individuals but as a whole, as a society.
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