Will the United Grand Lodge of England finally withdraw GLNF's recognition?
It's hard to say, but there is a chance for this to happen. Let's not forget the scandal produced during the last Annual Communication of GLNF (Grande Loge Nationale Française), held a week and a half ago in Paris! And if this will occur which French Grand Lodge will gain UGLE's recognition?

Most probably not the Grand Lodge of France or the Grand Orient. In past years the Grande Loge de France created several Grand Lodges in Eastern and Central Europe, even though there were already established Grand Lodges in those Masonic Jurisdictions. And recently the Grand Orient's Past Grand Master Bauer sent a letter to Englefield, Grand Chancellor of UGLE in which he demanded the restoration of peace and harmony in France, asking UGLE's Grand Chancellor to put an end to the existing conflict. So, will the United Grand Lodge of England finally withdraw GLNF's recognition?
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