Daniel KELLER | Grand Orient of France's PS. Not postscript but Partie Socialiste

Thursday 29 August 2013

Daniel KELLER | Grand Orient of France's PS. Not postscript but Partie Socialiste

The Masonic Press Agency announces through a institutional communication that the newly elected Grand Master of GOdF is Daniel Keller. A new elected Grand Master in France might chance the issues between the Grand Lodge of France and the Grand Orient of France, the largest masonic organization on continental Europe. Difficult to say if things will take the mentioned path...

Daniel KELLER (54 years old), father of three, Freemason for over 17 years, was initiated in Vérité - Ni Dieu Ni Maître Lodge, Paris.He was member of the Order's Council and presided over GOdF's General Assembly. Keller was also President of the Lodges of his region, composing Parisian Lodges and Lodges from Russia, Serbia, Bulgaria, Poland and Macedonia. By this, Eastern Europe will probably receive his Masonic attention. On the other hand Keller knows the international affairs of GOdF's Masonic interests.

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