Supreme Council for the Southern Jurisdiction of the United States grants recognition to the United Supreme Council Prince Hall affiliation for the Southern Jurisdiction

Wednesday 28 August 2013

Supreme Council for the Southern Jurisdiction of the United States grants recognition to the United Supreme Council Prince Hall affiliation for the Southern Jurisdiction

As the 2013 Biennial session of the Supreme Council for the Southern Jurisdiction was held on Monday morning at Hilton Hotel in Washington, history has been written once again: Ronald. A Seale, 33°, presented to Sovereign Grand Commander Illustrious Deary Vaughn, 33°, the recognition letter. Therefore, the Prince Hall affiliation United Supreme Council for the Southern Jurisdiction was fully recognized.

According to the Masonic Press Agency, "It's something we have had done a long time ago," said Ronald A. Seale before making an historic announcement. At the ceremony in Washington, today August 26, 2013, Sovereign Grand Commander Seale handed over a letter of recognition to the Prince Hall Supreme Council for the Southern Jurisdiction.

The same source mentions that:  Also, another announcement was made by the Sovereign Grand Commander for the Northern Jurisdiction: if the Supreme Council for the Southern Jurisdiction recognizes Prince Hall Supreme Council for the Southern Jurisdiction, then we will do it also. Excited to overflowing, Sovereign Grand Commander Deary Vaughn said: "I thought I would not live to see this."

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